Just writing it down


Well-Known Member
4 April 2011
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puts it into perspective I have to sell...my poor YO can't take it anymore, she never knows if I'll make it back when we head out with the trailer..

I fell off again on Monday at a X country clinic, 2nd time in 2weeks! Both times, like the other 6 times in the last 6mnths dirty stops. I've decided to try and move him on, given him 20mnths constant lessons and clinics and what seems like endless falling off, when he's onside he's fab but then 10mins later, no warning he's buried me in the jump or he's trying to ditch me after the jump & then goes of on a jolly. My Instructors words were stronger than mine on Monday!
I'm a Mum in her 40s I can't keep hitting the ground, it hurts at speed. He's up to date with Saddle checks, teeth, back, he's not nervy, like I said one day he ping pongs round a 1mtr course, the next I can be sat on the floor looking at a 60cm fence while warming up!

His flat work & paces are fab, but we've done BD (did winter regionals) but its not for me!

I jerk in my sleep as I dream of falling off so much LOL

I've never sold a horse, nature & old age last time I parted with a horse, honestly, I don't want to do a private advert does anyone know of a dealer, sales livery, HELP in Lincolnshire/South Yorkshire I can contact.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2008
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Sorry I can't help as not in your area but have you put this in the regional pages?

Good luck and sounds like you have made the right decision, for both you and the horse.