Karma Police


Well-Known Member
22 August 2005
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This weekend has been a nightmare. I was due to go to British Dressaging on Saturday and had fantastic times with the first test not being until 1.05pm. I had been really looking forward to having a lie in but it was not to be.

At 8am I was rudely awakened by a phone call from YO to say that the mare I have on loan for my OH had 'run through the fence' during the night and was pretty cut up. I was out of the house in 3 minutes flat looking like the bride of Frankenstein ( bad bed hair!). I got to the yard to find her looking very sorry for herself with huge scratches on her front legs and stifles where she'd hit the post and rails and a nasty cut on her nose presumably from the broken rails. Luckily it was all superficial and only need a good clean and some antiseptic salve but I made her up a bed and decided to keep her in to be on the safe side. By now it was 10.30 so I high tailed it back home to have a shower and get my stuff for going to dressage.

Made it back to the yard on schedule and got Grumpy McGrumps in while OH brought the lorry around from the field where it was parked- or so I thought. I had half of the boy's plaits in and there was still no sign of OH and lorry. I went around to the field to find he had driven it into a hole and was now stuck. I could have screamed. So I drove to the farm next door and begged the farmer to come down with his tractor to pull the lorry out. Thankfully he was happy to help but with all this messing around I was now 30 minutes behind schedule and I could feel a vein in my forehead was starting to pulse alarmingly. Eventually got loaded up and headed off. But off course by now I was beginning to suspect that the Karma Police were out to get me and this was confirmed when half way to the venue I came across a diversion due to a crash and had to take a 10 mile detour to get around it. By this point I felt like crying.

I rolled onto the yard 10 minutes before my first test time, threw the tack on poor Squire, got dressed in about 20 seconds and managed to walk, trot and canter on both reins before I had to go in. Obviously Squire realised I was at the end of my tether because he went fantastically and we won the prelim class. I managed to warm up properly for the second test but my mind wasn't on the job so I managed to do a fantastic centre line then GO THE WRONG WAY AT C!!!!!!!! Muppet! However, again the boy pulled it out of the bag and we won the novice test too and got another point.

I could almost believe at this point that things were getting better but no, fate had one other little trick up his sleeve for me. We got back onto the yard, unloaded the boy, cleaned the lorry etc and everything was still going well. Then I went to move the lorry back to the lorry park. I tried to put it into reverse and something went CLUNK! My gear box had given up the ghost- fate's last kick in the ass. I did have a small psychotic episode at this point. I was obviously really evil in a previous life because I think I've had more than my fair share of bad things happen to me this weekend.

Marie (who is still feeling sorry for herself).


Well-Known Member
2 September 2005
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But despite ervything you still managed to win your classes!!!
SOunds like you overcame all the adversity thrown at you and came out on top, although a bit of a bugger about the lorry gearbox. HOpe the mare is ok x