
28 February 2011
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Why go to Olympia for his first outing anyway? Why not go to a bit of low-level stuff and introduce crowds gradually? Or even do a few RtoR shows first? But even so, I don't think he looked bothered by the crowds, he looked like he wasn't interested in anything, especially dressage.

He's been out doing displays here there and everywhere - wherever Laura takes that owner's eventers Kauto goes too. This was just his first time in such a highly charged indoor arena. Everything else has been outdoors. The poor begger goes everywhere! He will be at Kempton on Boxing Day parading again ...

The display was indeed truly shocking and I personally don't think the pair of them gel BUT she is being paid by the owner to look after the horse, she also has 2 or 3 eventers for him so I suspect she just has to keep shtum unfortunately! The owner is an arrogant erse bandit who I have no time for what so ever. Kauto probably has a great time at home happy hacking, playing on the gallops and doing wee bits of schooling but he will not be high priority in the yard. At least he placed the horse with a professional who is coached by someone who knows a lot about racehorses as well as eventers and the likes rather than get punted from pillar to post.

I don't think he should have stayed at Nichol's yard. He was no spring chicken and when he fell he did right pearlers - not great for team chasing, hunting or the likes.


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4 May 2012
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EKW why would it not have been good for him to be retired and still be at PNs yard? And no rider has to keep 'shtum' - if they don't believe in what the owner wants, and theyv any integrity, theyd be honest and say so.


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18 January 2006
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EKW And no rider has to keep 'shtum' - if they don't believe in what the owner wants, and theyv any integrity, theyd be honest and say so.

Urmmm not always possible in the professional world where a whole career rests on keeping owners happy so that you don't lose important rides.
Those circles are very political.


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31 March 2013
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Whatever happened to removing ones hand from the rein when using a whip? I know she had a schooling whip but the movement on the reinas a result of it was quite vigorous...I think I'll be removing my hand from the rein even with a long whip in future.

EKW..he wouldn't necessarily have to jump out hunting, but whst I mean is a more relatable and perhaps relaxed direction would have been better. I get that its good for himt o have a purpose...but whts the point if he is just drugged, to be dragged round venues doing something he blatantly does not enjoy?


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4 May 2012
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EKW - But there are a lot more owners out there who respect honesty integrity and doing your best by the horse, LC will only lose owners if they think shes not going to do right by their animals. And I don't think shes doing right by Kauto at all. He's earnt his retirement, why not let him spend it in the place he spent most of his life?


Well-Known Member
1 August 2002
Beds/South Cambs
I am really amazed at the reaction to this performance. To my knowledge Laura Collett is a talented rider and whilst I do not condone the way she handled this performance (or how she handled Kauto) and it was a display of poor riding, most of us will never understand the pressure of that atmosphere on either her or Kauto himself. I am sure there is a lesson to be learnt here... it wasn't enjoyable to seeing Kauto being pushed along and the reins being jiggled but I think he'll get over it to be honest. From what I can understand generally he leads a pretty good life with Laura (which includes hacking) and he has performed several other times admirably.

What fascinates me most is that many people seem to comment as if he has come from this easy life of racing and is now forced into a world of constant schooling and stressful performances. I don't believe anyone who tells me that trainers and jockeys didn't push him to the absolute maximum during his racing career to achieve the performances he gave. I don't have a problem with that particularly, but I don't see why that is seen as wondrous (all because he was so good at it) and a bad few minutes in the dressage ring is seen as horrific for him. I don't think that for an ex-racer to end up in an experienced, knowledgeable home is really the end of the world, even if they don't always get it right.

Please don't get me wrong... I didn't enjoy the performance and found it stressful and cringe worthy, but how can everyone be so quick to judge from one performance? And to everyone who said Laura should have retired and called it a day, she was not competing, she was there to perform to a crowd who were expecting to see some moves. I agree that it would've been wise to abandon it if possible and I'm sure the crowd would have been understanding, but I'm sure it's hard to think straight with thousands of eyes on you and a whole load of expectation.

Anyway, I'm sure somebody will verbally maul me now but that's how I feel about it. I just hope that Laura can pick herself up from it and continue on with a good riding career, learning from this experience and using it to better Kauto's situation (whatever that may mean).


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2 July 2014
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And to everyone who said Laura should have retired and called it a day, she was not competing, she was there to perform to a crowd who were expecting to see some moves. I agree that it would've been wise to abandon it if possible and I'm sure the crowd would have been understanding, but I'm sure it's hard to think straight with thousands of eyes on you and a whole load of expectation.

Anyway, I'm sure somebody will verbally maul me now but that's how I feel about it. I just hope that Laura can pick herself up from it and continue on with a good riding career, learning from this experience and using it to better Kauto's situation (whatever that may mean).

Hardly a mauling but... someone with xc experience at the upper level is used to performing in a very high pressure situation in front of a large crowd. Particularly xc at that level you need to know when to retire, to be sensitive to when the horse can't do it. Your neck and the horse's depend on it.

Perhaps she was under pressure from owners or sponsors to continue. Unfortunately public opinion carries a lot of instant weight in times of social media. The permanency of video is also something that all professionals need to be aware of. You can't claim ignorance of the way media exposure works when it's your job.

The other thing is she could have engendered more positive feeling towards her through a retirement, possibly as much or more so than a competent display. The scope of your actions is far greater with that level of public profile and I doubt she is unaware of that.

I may be off base here but I'd imagine clinics and training are a significant revenue stream for eventers, given prize money and sponsorships are a bit thinner than other disciplines plus the horses undervalued comparatively. Being a "name"/ aspirational figure counts for a lot in that market. And thus it goes back to media profile.

Secondly, this performance does a great disservice to the push for racehorses to be retrained/ rehomed and showcasing the flexibility of the breed. Which I believe is part of the reasoning behind them being there?


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26 August 2008
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I thought the display was pretty awful. The riding made her look bad, when she realised he wasn't going forward why keep doing the more complicated things, and not just stick to getting him going in an easy fashion? Personally, I think he would have been better off being allowed to go to a more allround home, and not expected to do lots of displays.
As an ex racer, he is used to the razz matazz, but it is different, and he knew what was expected of him. This is a whole new ball game, and I feel sorry for the horse, and pretty disgusted with his owner.


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6 January 2006
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The display was indeed truly shocking and I personally don't think the pair of them gel BUT she is being paid by the owner to look after the horse, she also has 2 or 3 eventers for him so I suspect she just has to keep shtum unfortunately! The owner is an arrogant erse bandit who I have no time for what so ever. Kauto probably has a great time at home happy hacking, playing on the gallops and doing wee bits of schooling but he will not be high priority in the yard. At least he placed the horse with a professional who is coached by someone who knows a lot about racehorses as well as eventers and the likes rather than get punted from pillar to post.

I don't think he should have stayed at Nichol's yard. He was no spring chicken and when he fell he did right pearlers - not great for team chasing, hunting or the likes.

The first bit of sense I have read about this whole kerfuffle. The girl made a mistake, she does not deserve to be burnt at the stake for it.


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26 July 2010
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I'm not sure what to make of that. It really reminded me of when my daughters learnt to ride and couldn't use their legs without jerking their hands about at the same time! And yet that can't be the reason behind that style of riding. I feel sorry for her and more so for the horse to see it all go that wrong. The forceful leg aids I can understand as a reaction to the panic of him shutting down on her, but the hands I really don't get.


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7 July 2008
Hampshire / Berkshire
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Kauto Star was once a proud horse. I saw him race many a time and he enjoy what he was doing.

His display at Olympia was a total disgrace. The horse does not enjoy being a puppet, let him hunt or event where he can show his real talent.
28 February 2011
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EKW..he wouldn't necessarily have to jump out hunting, but whst I mean is a more relatable and perhaps relaxed direction would have been better. I get that its good for himt o have a purpose...but whts the point if he is just drugged, to be dragged round venues doing something he blatantly does not enjoy?

I don't think he has been drugged for everything he has done - certainly not his racecourse parades where Laura usually just leads him and lets him be a plonker for all the world to see.

EKW - But there are a lot more owners out there who respect honesty integrity and doing your best by the horse, LC will only lose owners if they think shes not going to do right by their animals. And I don't think shes doing right by Kauto at all. He's earnt his retirement, why not let him spend it in the place he spent most of his life?

Yes but this owner couldn't give a flying monkeys backside so long as his horses are out and about being seen. What do you think his retirement at Nichol's would have been? Galloping his backside off working with other good horses, out on the jumping lines giving leads to youngsters, being kept stupidly fit for no real reason? Or being dumped in a field and forgotten about to seize up and get arthritic? He was young for a normal horse when he retired from racing. No reason why he shouldn't have gone on to do something else. At least where he is just now he is being well looked after - fed, watered, groomed, exercised, turned out etc.


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4 May 2012
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I don't think PN would have left him in a field forgotten, EKW- having been quite involved in the world of trainers and racehorses I know there are plenty of retired horses enjoying the life as honoured senior citizens, VIPs at the yards open days, nannying youngstock, etc - just go to Coolmore or Lambourn.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
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The whole thing is very sad really. That horse is an absolute legend- one of my all time favourite racehorses and he deserves better than that display. Very glad I didn't see that in person- I would have found it upsetting. Instead I watched a lovely, sympathetic display given by Laura Tomlinson- full of praise, adjusting depending on the horse who was settled and relaxed in the environment. I personally think he would be better off with someone who can devote all their time to him rather than a busy event rider... I always thought she was a pretty decent rider but that display was awful....


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25 March 2011
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Homophobic slurs aside, it does seem that his owner is really not acting in his best interests and considering how much he has done for him, that's a disgrace.
28 February 2011
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Sorry folks! Its a term I use for people who seriously p me off - I honestly didn't mean it in any other sense! I apologise for any offence caused, it was non-intentional!


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25 January 2014
The wild west.
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No, it certainly wasn't LC's finest moment - and this is a shame because she is usually a very good rider, surely otherwise KS's owner and PN would not have allowed him to go to her. I think if you watch the entire 'performance' there are parts of it that are really pretty good, and then, for whatever reason, KS seems to switch off. Now, imagine if you were LC.... the entire country is watching you and your celebrity horse, and things start to go wrong - I think we all know what she SHOULD have done, but at that moment in time, under that spotlight, I think she probably panicked a little and was desperate to try and turn things around, which just made things worse..........cut the girl some slack.


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20 July 2005
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Horse looks lame to me on it's near hind, taking shorter length steps and seems very tense... I would of dismounted and lead the horse from the arena if it had been me, just my humble opinion. Emm.


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9 November 2012
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I think what people forget is that while yes he has performed infront of crowds numbering tens of thousands you only feel the real pressure of the people walking round the paddock. An easy jaunt where you play follow my leader. An on course parade is lead down and then canteres back - again follow my leader straight line stuff. But by this point you are on the course. Not close enough for the crowds to be an issue. When racing it's like being out in the wilderness! You get the home straight - a staight line and depending on which course you are at how many jumps are in front of you to keep you going.

Olympia is hugely different. People everywhere crowding you into a box which you are in all by yourself. The lighting will be different, the atmosphere different, the heat, the performance and the riders nerves will be different.

I agree with this point very much.

I used to ride the calvary horses in London on lessons with the civil service riding club and those horses are fine in a pack, they move around together through huge crowds but try to circle them on their own in an arena and it's a very different thing altogether!


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1 June 2012
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Not read all comments, but I smell the greed of the owner, and anyone else with a financial interest in the horse.

I don't doubt the care of him with LC, but I just do not understand why a horse has to be pushed to his limits, even after a highly successful career. I am all for a horse having a job to do, BUT at this point and after the money he has made, does he REALLY need to be out competing at this level?

Whatever the reason for his behaviour, and whether you look at it as him being given calmers, or as 'stage fright', clearly he has been pushed too hard and too fast.
28 February 2011
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He wasn't competing at Olympia - he was giving a demonstration which was a basic walk, trot, canter in circles and stuff. Not hard work in the slightest and probably easier than what he has been doing at home.


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1 June 2012
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He wasn't competing at Olympia - he was giving a demonstration which was a basic walk, trot, canter in circles and stuff. Not hard work in the slightest and probably easier than what he has been doing at home.

Sorry, I didn't mean to type competing. Either way, I stand by what I said- I think it was too much for him, for whatever reason.