Keeping plaits in overnight (turned out)


Well-Known Member
1 February 2022
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We are going eventing tomorrow (FINALLY) now my dilemma is my horse is now living out overnight great in many ways as he will be soooooo much cleaner BUT what does everyone do about keeping plaits in!
My dressage is about 3pm however the event is a good 2hours away and I also have 2 horses to ride prior to leaving anyway would you plait the night before and turn out and hope and pray that he doesn't roll them out OR would you plait but not roll them and roll in the morning?
I was originally going to plait and roll and turn out with his snuggy hood on (it's the lycra indoor one) however the weather looks as tho it may be a bit drizzly overnight so now I'm on the fence about what to do lol.
I don't want to keep him in tonight him and my mare have just recently switched onto this routine and are much happier so he will be out regardless but just need to see how we can keep these plaits in!!


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7 September 2004
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Personally I hate horses plaited overnight … you have to do them tight if they are to stay in, plus a full Lycra hood.

If it’s down to me I just don’t do it if at all possible. If before dawn start I may plait down keeping the top part a little looser, then roll in a hooded type of plait in the morning.


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20 September 2018
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I too hate plaits being left in for too long. Get up earlier, set off earlier, and plait when you get there. If you leave plaits in for too long you deserve to get the mane rubbed and or have it fall out.


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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I doubt he’ll come to any real harm if you plait and turn out in his hood. There is a knack to getting them tight without pulling the roots, so if you are confident, then do it.


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6 April 2009
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I used to do them the night before and put on a turnout or fly rug with neck, most of the time they were still there in the morning. Now I know better and hate leaving plaits in longer than I have to. As it's for eventing I'd just go without if I didn't have time in the morning.

My issue with plaiting on the morning of an event, is that even though I can plait in about 25 mins, it's still 25 mins extra that the horse is being faffed with before a full on day. I see it as the lesser of two evils and so plait as fast as I can in the morning but I'm really hoping that not plaiting becomes more common so that it's needed less.


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5 February 2008
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Rarely but I have plaited and turned out just with fly rug or thin turnout neck cover and they’ve been fine.


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11 May 2014
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I’ve done the following in the past -

Section the mane into the bunches you’re going to plait and turnout. Then in the morning plait and roll up. Saves time.

I have plaited and turned out overnight at a place I worked. I didn’t like doing it as you have to make sure the base isn’t too tight and invariably one horse would roll and I’d end up redoing it anyway. But not my call.
I did fashion a ‘protector’ out of a pair of thickish tights. Chop them so you have two separate legs then starting at the poll place one leg over the first plait and band it so it’s secure. Continue down the neck. Leave a little slack between each one to allow for grazing. You can either chop any excess tight leg off or double band at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2017
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I wouldn't leave a horse plaited for that long, I plait on the day of the event. As someone with longish hair who always plaits it or puts it up for work I know how uncomfortable it is after a few hours, and if it's done tight enough to look neat all day it eventually becomes painful. After years of doing it I can plait (sewn in) a mane in 20mins so it doesn't mean getting up much earlier on the day.

Good luck at the event OP.