Kissing Spines - would like to know of your experiences and thoughts on this


Well-Known Member
4 August 2009
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It would make sense for racers to ge navicular, apparently 98% of navicular cases are due to us lovely humans.

Im now terrified as i think my horse may have KS. Hes on loan and from day one hes been very sensitive around his back! Hes an ISH and is 9 yrs old. He was started in Ireland so dont know his history. However. He backs away when i bring the saddle near him. He wont stand at a mounting block and bucks and rears. Though only bucks on hacks in canter/gallop and only rears on hacks when asked to stand still. His owner swears he has never had back trouble and it is simply him being excited.

Im not convinced. Although the saddle she provided was 19inchs long and ive bought him a new one, my saddle fitter was horrified as hes actually 17 and a half inches. So im thinking that might be a lot to blame :/ If this continues with new saddle will defo be getting out a vet!


Hope that works :/

That sounds exactly like my ISH she came over from Ireland as a 4 year old, had a 5 * vetting certificate, she doesn't like saddle being put on, won't stand by mounting block, struggles to work from behind and rears, I got her xray and she has got kissing spine, she has had cortisone injections and physio for 6 weeks, a lot of work on the pessoa to maintain her topline she seems to have improved, doesn't rear anymore, is ok with saddle and although she won't stand by mounting block I think thats just bad manners! I have her back checked once a month, I invested in a 'Back on Track' magnetic rug which she wears daily and travels to shows in, she used to be very tight when I first got on her like a coiled spring now she has eased off, I have also put her on 'Devils Claw' which is herbal bute to reduce any immflamation which should relieve pressure on her spine, all of this seems to be doing the trick fingers crossed and we have just started doing dressage, after all this hard work then she has now gone and pulled a tendon! life is so unfair sometimes :-(


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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Interesting reading! Some years ago I bought a very good looking cob mare ,straight out of Eire and described as a paragon of virtue. When she arrived there was a swelling on her neck..clumsy injection? When first ridden she was stressy,far from a paragon.Then F@M struck so she was not ridden out;after her lay off anyone who tried to get on her back was exploded off immediately,ok till actually applying any weight to the spine.She was actually due to this dangerous,and was sent back.At the time I would have liked to have found the cause,but finances did not allow.I now think the injection swelling was in fact some kind of long acting anti inflamatory,and she too had KS.Poor thing.


Well-Known Member
2 September 2010
in the land of make believe :)
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Thanks for all the CC on my boy :)

I think his back shape is from him hollowing for so long with the uncomfortable saddle. I only bought the new one a month ago and im just starting to work him properly. Up till now weve been doing lots of hacking and straight lines to get him building up muscle. He was a lice infested hat-rack when i got him!!!

I have to say though, after the talk on here earlier, he didt flinch at all on his back today and we jumped about 3ft, which he did very well. Didnt back off at all and seemed to throroughly enjoy it.

I think his problems are mainly down to his old saddle. Will defo be keepin an eye on him.

He is a beautiful creature lol :)


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Yes, it is amazing the damage an ill fitting saddle can do to a horse. Lets hope he feels a lot better soon. Sounds like he is already.


Well-Known Member
15 January 2011
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Currently going through diagnosis as to why mare finds it so hard to work correctly and avoids contact. She is also very stiff behind especially if she has more than a week off, (could also be related to problems in her hocks)although in regular work you cannot tell - this also showed on flexion tests.
Her back (where the back of saddle fits) was very tight and tense to the touch, physio was called and found her T16 - 18 very prominent and quite a bit of pain when pressure applied to the area, also found to hole her tail to the right slightly.
Been given a course of exercises to do (long reining over elevated poles with side reins to get her working lond=g and low and stretching down and working herself correctly)
Two weeks later - still very tender to touch, been bucking alot when asked to go over poles again don't know if its stropiness or pain??
Review in 2 weeks, then if no better she will need x-rays etc

Having never come accross this before I am interested in knowing the history of horses diagnosed with this problem.
What made you consider this as a problem?
Mare was unable to hold a contact and found it difficult to use herself correctly, when i contact was made she would violently throw her head up, jumping - still on the fence as used to rush alot so could of been excitement or pain?
At what age was your horse broken?
Trained for racing so i guess about 2?
What breed is your horse?
TB :rolleyes:
How much work did your horse do as a youngster?
Trained, didnt make it, i bought her as a rising 4 yr old (unbeknown to me)
At what age did he start competing?
4, w&t dressage and a bit of SJ
What discipline does he do?
bit of everything, mainly was intended for low level eventing so a fair bit of schooling and some SJ - never over 100cm
At what age did he start jumping?
4 - 4.6months
Does he live in or out or a mixture of both?
out during day in at night year round
How successful was the surgery?
not got that far
Shod or unshod?
What sort of work does he do?
Schooling 2 x per week, hacking x2 jumping x 1
Any other thoughts or ideas on this condition.
Conformational i think, mare has slight roach back
A side on picture standing square (if pos) would be great, to see the shape of the back.
What type of saddle do you use?

Was a GP fieldhouse

This was when she first arrived - noticeable roach back and prominent spine seen when she was under weight.


Up to weight and a bang up to date pic (taken around 2 weeks ago) - she is also very straight through her shoulder, long sloping pasterns and slightly cow hocked so her conformation is also against her.


Opinions welcome - although please make it constructive!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2010
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Opinions welcome - although please make it constructive!

Aw, bless her. She's a little bit of 2 horses really isn't she. The backend doesn't match the front. I'm very novicey (but very willing to learn) when it comes to confo, and i wondered if she has a 'herring gut'? It's just her underside looks too long almost? But not an obvious long back, maybe because the tail is set high?

She looks a genuine sort though, and i would guess she's not being naughty and something is hurting. Love her expression :)

Fingers crossed some physio will help a lot. She's certainly improved from the first picture!

Trina x


Well-Known Member
2 May 2008
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What made you consider this as a problem?

He had been diagnosed with bi lateral hock spavins 6 months beforehand, which was diagnosed through nerve blocking and x-ray after a loss of performance and lameness. The had his back x-rayed as not improved much and had significant muscle loss behind saddle.

At what age was your horse broken?

I don't know as he was bred and presumable broken in Ireland and came to the UK as a 4 year old and started intro eventing over here.

What breed is your horse?

Irish sport horse

How much work did your horse do as a youngster?
I am unsure of his work load or type of work but he was owned by an eventers groom from 4-7 and competed up to PN then I bought him as a 7 year old.

At what age did he start competing?
age 4, BE intros

What discipline does he do?
he did BE eventing with me, we had got to N before he was diagnosed with spavins and KS

At what age did he start jumping?
I don't know

Does he live in or out or a mixture of both?
in with turnout

How successful was the surgery?
we didn't operate

Shod or unshod?
has always been shod

What sort of work does he do?
he used to work 4-6 times a week doing a mixture of flat,jumping, hacking, maybe jump 1-2 times a week.

Any other thoughts or ideas on this condition.
He looks very good, very healthy and now sound but just doesnt have enough back end power or range of movement anymore.

What type of saddle do you use?
I did have an Albion SLK and a vega, at the moment he is in a WOW to try.