Kitten diet help please


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Thanks :)

He has all that, house is like a play pen! Worn out now though 😀

Trying drawing a circle on the floor, or making one out of a scarf or something. Most cats will go and sit in it 🤣


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I think we need an update and more piccies :)

Omg he’s just growing so quickly, and in the last 48 hours suddenly seems to have become really scratchy, he’s drawn quite a bit of blood today. No amount of playing seems to be enough!

I do need to work out a way to get him to stop climbing the curtains and scratching at the furniture (he has several scratch posts but likes to climb up it). Has anyone had success with the citronella spray that is meant to deter them?

He loves sitting on the step so he can then peer in whilst I’m in the bath. When he eventually tires himself out he falls asleep on his nose on this particular chair.. and is generally very cute but mad. He actually reminds me of Boggle!

Tummy still fine.

Is it unwise to let him have supervised garden access (garden totally enclosed for the size he is now as has chicken mesh). I’m in a detached cottage in the middle of no where and never seen any other cats around so not sure if it would be risky re injections. He’s having his first one next week.. but yard born kittens are of course outside from day one...?88A0E12F-BB31-4374-B3B6-C8D1763325F8.jpegF2993E90-1CF1-49F7-9C39-FBB0730C84E7.jpeg3731235A-E595-45B0-B101-98D653024B8C.jpeg


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25 July 2017
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Omg he is so cute! I think orange oil is supposed to be a deterrent for scratching so I expect citronella will work as well. Have you tried putting the scratching post next to the furniture where he scratches?


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Omg he is so cute! I think orange oil is supposed to be a deterrent for scratching so I expect citronella will work as well. Have you tried putting the scratching post next to the furniture where he scratches?

Yeah! He more just likes climbing up the furniture rather than actual scratching but it’s causing a bit of damage i would quite like to avoid!


Well-Known Member
22 May 2014
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I wouldn’t be letting him out till he’s fully vaccinated, microchipped, and neutered. ‘Tis the season for making kittens, and some males can become sexually mature at a very young age - don’t want him wandering off or getting into scraps over queens.

He is beautiful though!


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I found that the cardboard scratchers with catnip that you can sprinkle on them work best for kittens. :)

Like this.

We have always let ours out after the 2nd vaccination. We do have ferals around though... they like the cardboard catnip scratchers too BTW. :D

He has the cutest button nose :)

Agree with the cardboard cat scratchers. Place a few in strategic positions. I’ve tried the spray it didn’t do much. I cover things as much as possible. You could try a water pistol when he scratches something you don’t want him to. Not something I’ve ever done though. My current two were never that bad but my last two destroyed a sofa.

I personally wouldn’t let him out just yet due to reasons already cited but also once he’s out he’ll want to be out all the time and it’ll drive you mad. I also think you need to spend more time creating a bond with him particularly as he’s a bit “wild”

Finally you have a cat and it’s better that you just realise your furniture will probably suffer and if it’s very important to you then I’d say don’t have a cat as animals do tend to ruin things and you need to be fairly relaxed about it. Otherwise it’s no fun for you or him.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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I’m so kitten broody at the mo! My old stable cat has gone so I assume she must be dead and my younger one is being very clingy. He may need a friend :0


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Bob update. Notice the curtains tactfully draped over windowsill (safe for now 😂). Wherever I put the radio he finds it to sit/sleep on it. He ignores any comfy bed and just wants to sit on the hard radio, even if it’s turned off and not warm.

Funny little thing. I swear he’s doubled in size!5E3F51CE-87E0-4B3B-AA0C-77504808D72C.jpeg21A8ABEB-87D8-433F-9D6A-8AD98D2DBCAB.jpeg096A8894-5A47-4170-8A71-E86B10B76DF9.jpeg