Well-Known Member
Horse riding is risky enough though, isn't it? Part of parenting is doing age appropriate activities to manage a bit of risk. As pointed out earlier on thread, part of the problem is having very young children do things that when they are older will be considerably less risky. There are loads of ways for children to enjoy ponies and riding without being repeatedly put at an excessive level of risk, for SM or otherwise.I think you’d find Callie Coles children would be doing what they do even if instagram wasn’t invented. No I don’t follow her, I don’t really so insta.
Some people live wild lives, we don’t all live risk free nowadays.
The vast majority of the Coles' rides out look fantastic. But then they're repeatedly pelting this young child, who cannot yet control their head and neck enough to resist the force on landing, over enormous obstacles. It won't be that much longer and then I'm sure he'll be physically able to do it.
I'm not advocating for not letting children do anything and to avoid all risk, but there is a point at which parents' 'wild lives' do need to give way a bit to managing some level of risk.