KWPN......wrong passport, tracking down


Well-Known Member
2 June 2009
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I have a lovely gelding who i event and he is a real dreamy horse (to me anyway :) )
I was hoping to track down the stallion to use on my broodmare but since i have been trying to find him i have found a couple of slightly alarming things.

the stallion i am trying to find is a KWPN approved stallion called Optimis standing in holland. Firstly, how can i track him down?

secondly i noticed that optimis is bay or 'bruin' on his stud card. when i looked at my passport i noticed the dam is also listed as 'bruin' but my lad is all white :/ his passport also lists him as 'bruin' and lists him as having white socks. Is it possible to get a grey from 2 bays? or have i in fact been sold a dodgy horse? At the end of the day it doesn't really matter as i've had him 8 yrs now and he really is my pride and joy but i'd rather not spend a lot of money importing semen from optimis over to the uk if he is not the sire of my horse. any ideas? or advice??

thank you :D

Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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No, a grey horse needs to have at least one grey parent. However, greys are always born a colour and then grey out, so if the passport is filled in before the foal shows signs of greying, the colour can be entered wrong. It should of course be updated/corrected when the horse starts to grey out.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2007
I have a lovely gelding who i event and he is a real dreamy horse (to me anyway :) )
I was hoping to track down the stallion to use on my broodmare but since i have been trying to find him i have found a couple of slightly alarming things.

the stallion i am trying to find is a KWPN approved stallion called Optimis standing in holland. Firstly, how can i track him down?

secondly i noticed that optimis is bay or 'bruin' on his stud card. when i looked at my passport i noticed the dam is also listed as 'bruin' but my lad is all white :/ his passport also lists him as 'bruin' and lists him as having white socks. Is it possible to get a grey from 2 bays? or have i in fact been sold a dodgy horse? At the end of the day it doesn't really matter as i've had him 8 yrs now and he really is my pride and joy but i'd rather not spend a lot of money importing semen from optimis over to the uk if he is not the sire of my horse. any ideas? or advice??

thank you :D

Just get the vet to scan the micro chip - should match the one in the passport. If not email the KWPN (*if he is KWPN registered) and tell then and they should be able to tell you his breeding.


Well-Known Member
7 November 2008
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The white socks should still show up but I suspect you have a passport thats not your horse! Not sure if and when KWPNs were chipped from! So that most likely is a dead end . Those mistakes should not happen in horses that are vetted as they should have checked the markings and or chip at vetting.

Spring Feather

Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
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I was forever having disagreements with a registry I use for them registering the foal as the colour showing on the day of its inspection, rather than registering it as it's true colour. You do sometimes have a battle on your hands with the Germans (Dutch registries may well have been the same). Nowadays I DNA colour test my foals who are (to me) quite clearly grey or black but who shed out to a different colour. So it could be something as simple as that, or as someone above has suggested, you may have the wrong papers for your horse. Most of the German registries do DNA parentage checks, not sure about KWPN though.


Well-Known Member
10 March 2008
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We have an interesting system in France. Our foals are chipped, vaccinated and ID'd for their passports but the signalement - graphic description is not completed on the actual passport but held by the National Stud.

ID is confirmed when the foal is one year old. The vet re-does the signalment which is returned to the National Stud with the passport which is now completed.

In the case of our Shagya stallion, originally he was almost black but description changed to grey at one year old, although he is still not his final colour. The vet has to sign any changes as accurate and confirm this IS the horse.

France also DNA tests.

I think the French have a brilliant system.


Well-Known Member
17 September 2008
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KWPN DNA test, so unless he is really elderly he should have been done a a foal. Chipping as foals became compulsory with the KWPN when they stopped branding so if he has no brand he should have been chipped as a foal.
The chip number should be in the passport so get your vet to check if they match up.
Once you have the info check with the KWPN, if you email the details they usually come back to you quite quickly.