Lactating dog diarrhea for 5 weeks


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14 March 2021
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Looking for advice to quel diarrhea in our Siberian Husky. She gave birth February 9th 2021 an it’s now March 14th 2021 today I feel her with my fingers. She eats good and she eats a lot. 2 days ago she vomits 3 tiimes. That’s the only day she’s experienced vomiting. We have been deworming her and the puppies so I highly doubt it’s caused by worms. However, she clears up after her puppies. Could this cause the diarrhea? She’s not acting sick or weak or different in anyway other than just that one she vomit. I may be making a vet trip soon. Moneys a bit tight at the moment as it is for most people right now. So a vet visit has to come from somewhere and set us back by a lot. So I’m really trying to avoid that extreme measure. I’m hoping for someone experienced with dogs may have a solution that I can do here at home. Thank you for reading my question. Have a wonderful day.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Vet visit is the answer.
Having chosen to breed her I assume you have a large pot of money set asied for any veterinary emergencies to do with the whelping anyway so a consultation shouldn't be too much out of this allowance.
Plus the puppies will be sold soon and with lockdown prices this will surely cover any minor vets bills. I wouldn't have let her have diarrhoea for 5 weeks- vet is your answer.


Well-Known Member
1 February 2016
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Take her to a vet and for goodness sake if money is tight don’t breed your dog again.

I’m not normally a fan of putting human emotions onto animals (they have many other ways of telling us how they are actually feeling), but how would you like to be an exhausted mum looking after newborn babies and have diarrhoea for 5 weeks? I despair.

ETA: you have a duty of care under the Animal Welfare Act to alleviate pain and suffering from your animal. I would seek veterinary advice imminently.

Kipper's Dick

Well-Known Member
29 November 2020
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Why is it an extreme measure to see a vet? Many breeders will notify a vet when a whelping is due, just in case a vet is needed. And breeders should contact a vet without hesitation if worried about the bitch or the pups, at any stage. Things can go wrong very quickly. There could be a number of reasons for your bitch's vomiting and diarrhoea, but rather than seeking advice on here, please see your vet.


New User
14 March 2021
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thank you all for confirming a vet is necessary. I was googling for answers. the results say it’s normal for having the runs when nursing that’s why I haven’t been sure if I’m overreacting.Im not a breeder. I wouldn’t know the first thing about it. nobody was seeing animals to spay or neuter. Only seeing animals on a medical emergency basis. I was trying to keep our puppy dogs apart when she went into heat. After about 3 weeks I thought she was done. So I let my guard down and allowed them to be in the yard together. And then it happened. It’s not wish to contribute to the problem with animals in the shelter or worse. Found out Huskies are pack animals and that’s why our


New User
14 March 2021
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oops I wasnt done witb my comment yet. I’ll finish up here. I’m not asking for a whole lot for the puppies. that would cause it to take to long to find them their forever homes. so she will be seeing our vet For the problem that’s going on now. and also be spayed shortly. she had puppies so we have to wait a little bit longer. thank you for helping me. I appreciate you