Lameness experts


Well-Known Member
2 December 2010
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Hi all, would you mind taking a look at this video and telling me what you think is happening with the bay mare that starts at the front on the picture. She has spavins in both hocks and some kissing spines in the lumbar region with arthritic changes. Is it possible she is "pinching a nerve" or that there is something else that we haven't discovered yet? She's done it before and its always the left hind.

Thank you in advance for any feedback!


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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Sorry not enough to go on - if she were just being turned out then it could just be something as minor as a twinging muscle as she gets moving. If it still happens when she is warmed up in work then it could be either of her existing conditions - but I might put more of a bet on hock before the KS. Have you lunged her on a hard surface to try to replicate?


Well-Known Member
2 December 2010
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Thanks for the answers, I realise the video doesn’t give much to go on. I just wondered if the sudden “give” in the leg was particularly indicative of anything and/or more likely to be due to hocks, back or something else.

She’s been out of work for the last year and had been mainly looking good apart from the odd occasions her leg gives like that. I think she has been looking less comfortable recently and am preparing another vet visit hence the rather vague question. The idea had been to keep her in work for light hacking but the combination of Covid and other issues has given her a long break instead and we now have to decide whether the goal is still to bring her back into work or to leave her in early retirement.


Well-Known Member
2 December 2010
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Sorry for those that couldn't view, and thank you for trying. I'm not sure how else to post videos - any advice welcome!