Laminitic - using grass mats to keep off grass


Well-Known Member
5 January 2013
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Hi there, my horse is recovering from laminitis and currently is stabled much of day with turnout increasing very gradually. I can’t stay at current livery yard (whole other story for another day) and im considering taking horse to our field with our others. We don’t have any stabling though and it’s not really feasible to put anything up (only place landowner will allow gets very waterlogged). So im thinking about fencing off a small area and putting down grass mats so my horse has an area off the grass. Would obviously feed hay when in that area. Has anyone tried this and did it work? Open to other suggestions!!

cauda equina

Well-Known Member
2 February 2014
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I've done a similar thing for a recovering laminitic by mowing a patch of grass really really short and making a pen around it
That wouldn't work if the ground were likely to become boggy but with dry ground scalping it and then feeding hay worked for me


Well-Known Member
3 April 2022
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Yes I have done this and it's also a little more cushioning more their feet. I had to use a plastic shavings fork to scrape up the poo and dropped hay. The fork does get caught up in the holes though, but the mats were a great substitute for grass turnout without the worry of them eating the new sugary shoots of grass you get on a starvation paddock.