Well-Known Member
Feeling very relieved - pleased too, but mostly relieved!I'll be getting back on Tris for the first time in ages. Got plenty of gentle fitness work to do and hopefully we'll comfortably be able to do a Cotswold Farm Park fun ride at the end of September.
Right now the plan is to get back into hacking and just be able to enjoy ourselves ❤
Did a couple of circuits around the school first to make sure that we still have brakes and still know how to turn before heading around the fields. Timed it perfectly so that we didn't have to contend with any trains while on the stretch close to the tracks, but did have a car and a pushbike come past on the other side of the hedge. Tris paused and listened but otherwise didn't react. The last few days he's coped well with vehicles while I've been leading him, but he's always a bit more nervy when I'm on board and historically has had a very quick spin complete with dropping the shoulder, a buck and a quick getaway, so I was thrilled that everything was calm today!
I am definitely not feeling confident or capable of handling that at the moment!
We then did a loop around the farm track. Put up a few ducks, no panic, walked past the pigs, still chill. Something caught his attention at the top of the silos but I couldn't see what - we stopped for a moment and then carried on.
I probably won't ride more than once/twice a week until I've lost a little weight and he's a bit fitter. 12.5 stone hasn't previously been a problem for him but I feel quite unstable and we both work much better when I'm between 10.5-11 stone. Not riding isn't an issue as I'll just take him out in hand on our routes.
Tomorrow we'll go for a walk around the fields over the road