Late running times and's a thought what do others think


Well-Known Member
13 August 2008
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Just looking at some section times for an event this weekend and have been struck by how late the xc is running.

There are several issues that concern me:

trained medics have to be on site for all phases, dressage starts at 08.00. Hospitals are trying to cut doctors hours, but the medical teams on site(doctors, parmedics etc) will be working well in access of 10 hours. Ok its not 10hrs hands on hard work, but standing/sitting around and then being expected to react in a instant to an emergency can be worse than a constant steady stream of work

the above also applies to the controller who has a stressful job and has to be vigilant and able to react in an instant to all situations

a hold on course earlier in the day can have a huge impact on the actual time you get to run, the nights are drawing in and dependant on the weather visabitily could be affected

also spare a thought for all the volunteers who often travel a considerable distance, they also have to get home safely from a tiring day

I am aware there will be many different opinions on this subject but it is food for thought!


Well-Known Member
21 May 2008
S. Lincs.
Definately food for thought. I know at Witchingham there was a hold, and I ended up going XC at just past 7pm - even then the lighting was completely different on the course from when I had walked it that morning, and then by the time we got home it was pitch. Norfolk roads that we don't know in the dark was not an experience I'd wish to relive!

Definately worth thinking about.


Well-Known Member
6 July 2008
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Left Derbyshire/Notts for home at 19.30 this evening, my friend is running late at Draycott on Sat will be telling her to take a torch, couldn't have driven safely without my lights!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2008
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Having read about how much trouble the open ditches caused at draycott in the summer event not sure I would want to be running in dusky conditions. It could of just been down to poor riding and that combined with poor light could well be a recipe for disaster. Fingers crossed all return safe and sound with only good experiences intertwined with good riding.