Lead the Way


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22 July 2005
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I love Clea Phillips horse 'Lead the Way' I really think it will be a horse of the future - all I can find is that it came from Ireland as a 4yo. Does anyone know what breeding it is?

butterfly f

28 February 2005
leicestershire, uk
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i used to groom for clea.
Lead the Way or leader as he is known to his mates is a stunning horse. He is by Supreme Leader and was found in ireland by Vere as a 4 year old. he is very talented and is rated by clea as easily the best horse she has ever ridden. he has so much ability. i think he is 8 now but as he was advanced as a 6 year old, clea has been very careful not to rush him. he should have gone to bramham this year but as he had a bit of a sniffle the week before and missed a couple of canters they decided not to risk him. he will do a 3* later this year, prob blenheim. but still clea is very careful not to risk him unnecessarily which is why he often has time faults xc. she is saving him for the big time.
Meanwhile he is a lovely easy horse in the stable. but a bit of a diva travelling and at events. i think he loves himself too much! but he is very handsome. clea wont let anyone else ride him ever. not even Vere or her mother. so thats how much she thinks of him lol

anyway. keep supporting leader. i think he'll be a star.