I would also be interested in something like that... Whenever I do it I tend to catch her or her clip has lines down. Plus it takes me ages... My trainer's husband did Hannah's clip two years ago (full) and he used to clip for the queen's regiment or something like that. She looked fantastic and he was so quick and precise too!
Nothing is difficult if you know how to do it! The point is I don't know how to do it and I don't want my poor horse (who has to be sedated to clip anyway) walking around with the equivalent of a pudding bowl haircut.
Hi Horsegirl
If you have an instructor I am sure they will know how to clip, ask her/him if you could book a lesson on clipping, I am sure they will oblige. Is there not a groom on your yard who knows how? Surrey is a bit far for me or I would be happy to show you.
Best of luck anyway.
I'd think than any formal BHS training centre should be able to help you. They would have to train students and this is approaching the 'right' time of year when there may be horses needing a clip. Be aware though that if your horse is sedated the effect does not last very long and to clip my chap (sedated) we had 2 experienced people working a side each - hard to take your time and not push yourself to frantic/panic or worse, a tussle with your horse. Easier to learn on a quiet type and beg friends for a practice if they have similarly quiet horses. Sorry of that sounds negative but that is from my own personal experience.