Too little time, too much to read.
I was pretty lucky on the horses I got when I went. I'd no experience with them then (1990) . I got a tiny horse which had a smooth tolt but could only tolt at slow speed then went to a smooth canter which seemed effortless to it, another which had a comfy though pacey tolt and a third which they said was a very good competition horse. I knew no better then ?. He was so strong and stupidly I relaxed for a moment and he ran flat out realised he was running alone and turned sharply back to the others leaving me on the ground. Oops. Let someone who knew what they were doing ride him after that ?When I went on my Icelandic riding holiday the first horse I was given was so uncomfortable I thought I’d never survive the 6 day trek. It was so bouncy I needed the loo every 30 minutes. Fortunately the guide swapped me onto another horse and it was a totally different experience. The guides rode it for the rest of the trip as it couldn’t tolt smoothly.