So my horse recently had some tendon sheath swelling on left hind. Vet scanned and couldn’t see any problems but injected tendon and had a month field test. Just 2 weeks ago they reassessed and they were happy for us to start walk work. Day 1 of walk work went fine but at the end of the day when I took her in she had a very small scratch on left hind and it was swollen. So I just assumed she’d cut it. I called vet they said cold hose, get danilon and antibiotics and hope it clears - just bad luck. She has been sound throughout. Almost 2 weeks on and the leg still has odd swelling and almost feels a bit bumpy where the scratch is just over suspensory ligament. We are going back to vets on Wednesday for another scan! I’ve attached a few pictures.you’ll see a comparison one which shows how leg looks now and what it should look like. Anyone any ideas? Feeling so worried about it. Can’t believe after getting all Clear to start up again she’s somehow down something which looks and feels worse than the original swelling!