Legend update


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
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For those who are interested, Legend seems to be healing well and the vet is quite pleased with his progress so far but obviously we have a long way to go. My main concern at the moment is that he is clearly quite depressed and is definately not his normal self. I can understand he wouldn't be 100% due to the severity of his injury but am concerned as he is normally such a cheeky chap and he is just miserable
He doesnt seem to be interested in anyone or anything and only responds to me. He was scared of the vet tonight (a different one from mon and yest) and curled around my body to hide

I am walking him out for about an hour a day to try and keep his day as varied as it can be but does anyone else have any tips to perk him up a bit? He isnt eating hay - the vet thinks its because his throat is so sore so would prefer to keep eating excercise to a minimum as that will just upset him more as hes very food orientated


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Aww poor guy. Yes I would be worried too if he was showing these unhappy signs; he sounds very uncomfortable and bored and hopefully he will perk up soon.

I'm not really sure what to suggest; normally you'd have some stable toys but this may not be feasible given his injury. Best of luck with him though and I think nice walks have to be good for his mental state.


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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Oh the poor boy
It must be so upsetting for you too. I'm not sure what to suggest to perk him up, but send him some hugs from me. I hope he starts to seem more like himself soon. Keep us posted on his progress. Have you any more of an idea what happened? H. x


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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lots of polos, bran mash, thin slices of apple. nice massages and lots of company.
hay essential oil is loved by every horse i've tried it with... just a few drops on your palm and they lick it off and absolutely love it. also, i'd try essential oils for cheering up, etc... PM if you want. they're only a few pounds each, last for ages, and the horses find them stimulating and interesting, i've found.
hope he gets better v. soon.
ooh, hand-picked grass. never had one refuse that!


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Well, he's going to be down- I bet he's pretty sore, bless him. Might even be fighting infection? If he wants a gentle fuss, do so, but if he wants to be left alone, don't worry too much. I think he'll soon feel a bit more like his usual self - try not to worry. If you are down and anxious, he could be picking up on that. My pony did.

Advice above on feeding is spot on.


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
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Maybe he is picking up on my feelings - I am absolutely knackered and quite stressed too! I am giving him plenty of people time, lots of grooming, cuddles and apples! I wondered about a snak ball thingy as we want to keep his neck down as much as possible to help the draining.

As I said I wouldn't expect him to be his normal self but his behaviour is so far away from that which is why I am concerned, especially if he was attacked (which vet thinks is the most likely cause) could he be suffering from post traumatic stress?! Is that something horses can get?

Kerilli, I will PM you regarding essential oils


Well-Known Member
8 June 2005
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Not sure about the oils etc,but if drainage an issue would definately go with the floor thing,My lads was just above the chest and just missed the windpipe,as you prob know from reading my post!He will pick up on your feelings and will be feeling very sorry for himself,he is bound to it a big wound,box rest dosnt help,they get depressed anyway when they used to going out for part of or all of the day!!He not just been injured his whole routine gone to pot!!Hence why my lad had to be doped whilst he was in,we had to turn out before the ideal(on his own)because he got sooo stressed!!