Lending our horsebox ?


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25 August 2010
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No no and no I don't have a horse box now but I think there is one person I would lend it to if I still had it, don't do it don't it I repeat don't do it.
29 July 2005
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Maybe get them to show documents so you know they are legally able to drive it? And sign something saying they will pay for the damage if any occurs.

Going against the grain a bit here, but as somebody who struggles to find transport myself and cannot afford my own, a bit of kindness goes a long way. I have borrowed lorries myself in the past with no problem, just don't know anybody since relocating who I can ask.


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17 August 2008
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Having been over generous in the past lending out my lorry, and suffered the consequences, I no longer do it unless it’s a good friend and I know the horse and I’m giving them a lift to something I’m going to anyway.

I’ve had people taking the piss out of me, you let them use it once and before you know it, they are using it more often than you are. Or the bits of damage they don’t bother repairing.
Don’t do it!


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17 May 2009
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That is a very expensive thing to lend to someone you are only acquainted with to take without your supervision and potentially return in good knows what condition.

I think they are cheeky to ask, there are enough good horse transporters around to pick up a horse for them.


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25 October 2010
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The one thing I don’t lend is my horsebox. I’ve collected a friends horse before but I knew the horse was calm and I was driving. I’ve refused to move another friends horse because again, I knew the horse. My uncles generally come into my yard and take whatever they want (trailers and tools etc) but they know not to touch the horse box.


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16 February 2009
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I'd say no. Though might be different if it was an emergency (i.e. horse needed to go to equine hospital and no-one else able to help). I'd probably want to drive it myself though.

However, on these threads I always remember something that happened to me about 17 years ago. My little Arab, who I still have now, fell on the yard driveway when I was bringing her in from the field and tore her left knee badly (it was a nasty surface). Vet came out and said straight away she'd need to go to Leahurst BUT it was a Sunday in summer and there were lots of shows on. All the local box operators were already out and busy! It was also in the days before every other person had a box, and only one lady on our yard had a trailer, which was off the road at the time. My mum (I was 14 at the time) headed off to the local equestrian centre, where a show was taking place, to see if someone could help us out or knew someone who could. Well, she came back with an incredibly kind offer from a complete stranger to borrow their trailer if we had someone who could tow it! So the lady on the yard who had her own trailer drove up there, picked up the trailer, and took us to Leahurst. We returned it late that evening, cleaned out and undamaged. But goodness I do wonder if they regretted their decision when they watched us drive off with the trailer! They honestly didn't know us from Adam!

So anyway, I would always try to help in a situation like that. Though it's all irrelevant atm as I don't have a box!


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8 March 2018
County Sligo
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A long time ago I leant my 3.5 tonne to a girl bringing her connie/arab cross from Surrey to the Devon livery yard I used at that time. She didn’t ask, I offered after the YO approached me on her behalf. Her husband who used to be on the buses in London did all the driving. The little horse travelled well, the box was scrupulously clean and refuelled and I got two very nice bottles of red and a card. I do think they were very much the exception to the rule though. My more recent experiences of giving people lifts to shows, etc. in my 7.5 tonne were not nearly so good.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2010
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It would be a definite no from me.

I recently offered to move a horse to another yard as the owner didn't have transport and I know she survives on a tight budget. She refused as she had made alternative arrangements but they let her down at the last minute. She called me on the day asking if she could borrow my trailer. I don't lend out my trailer and I wasn't available but my lovely (non horsey) husband took her. Luckily the horse loaded and travelled well. I refused to take any fuel money but I have to admit I was slightly nervous as I knew I'd never get any money out of her if there was any damage to the trailer, but that was a risk I decided to take.