Letter to first address on passport


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
I did this, sent letters with SAe's to all previous owners of a horse we no longer own, he'd had quite a few owners and I think there were about six letters altogether. Not a single reply...

We sold our home bred February 2012, I put a message in the back of the passport to say we would always be happy to hear how she was, included email address, I know she was moved on almost immediately (which I wasn't expecting at all) and have heard nothing since.


Well-Known Member
12 October 2011
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Definitely worth doing! I contacted the previous owners of my late gelding (though not the breeder - should have done, really regret it now) because I got him as very much a rescue case, despite his (then mostly hidden!) beautiful looks and good breeding - and I wanted to find out anything I could about his past as I knew nothing. Heard back from the first two owners, and they were both absolutely lovely and sent me hand written letters with pictures, newspaper clippings, copies of magazines he'd been in etc - was wonderful to hear about all the great things he'd done, he'd clearly been a much loved horse at some point and had been extremely successful, especially in the showing world. They were both very upset to hear about the state he was in - at the same time glad that he'd finally ended up in a loving home with me and both were grateful for me getting in touch. Also found out that way who had ruined him and started him on the sad downhill spiral from one home to the next.

I'm in touch with the previous owner of my current horse, her breeder isn't listed in the passport but she came from a well known dealer in Ireland - I was considering contacting him to see if he had any 'baby photos' but he has so many horses through his gates that I don't think he would remember her (despite her 'hard to forget' personality!!)


Well-Known Member
9 December 2011
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I contacted the last owner on my mares passport soon after we got her. She was as skinny as a rake when she first came, and then ballooned when the spring grass came through, so we were suspicious that she might be pregnant!
They told us that she'd had two foals, and who the sires were; good bloodlines all round.
They also confirmed that, unusually for an Irish horse, she had never hunted. It was really nice to get some background.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2012
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My Mare's breeder found my mare on YouTube and actually contacted me, She wants us to tell her when we are next otu showing so she can come see my mare! :)


Well-Known Member
22 May 2007
Warwickshire, England
I would love it - as a breeder I am in touch with nearly all the current owners of horses I bred but if I wasn't I would love people to get in touch. I am not at the address where they were born though so facebook would be better


Well-Known Member
11 October 2009
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I'm considering doing this although I suspect that it may be a tall order as he's had about 13 homes in16yrs. Ive traced his passport back and from what I can work out he was bred by the father of the person who now has popsters welsh pony stud in Gloucestershire so think I may try those as my first port of call. It would be of great interest to go back through his history as he's got a funny scar that goes from one side of his neck over the top and down the other side and he's funny about having his head touched and wont wee inside regardless of his bedding.


Well-Known Member
30 April 2012
West Yorkshire
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I met the breeder of my old forest bred NF mare at the Yorkshire show when we were competing with her a few years ago. I had considered writing to him before we met him but I thought he must have had so many foals born over the years that he wouldn't remember her, but he did and was really pleased to hear all about her and to know she was well, and he came to watch our ridden class which was lovely. I bought a 2 year old nf x tb earlier this year and i'm considering writing to her breeder as well, I would imagine most breeders would be happy to hear that their horses are doing well even if they don't have much to tell you so I would say go for it, you have nothing to lose. Good luck


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Yup! I wrote to the breeder of my sister's boy (he's 9) with some recent photos and gave her my Facebook and email addresses ... she added me on Facebook 2 days later and said she'd been delighted when she got my letter and saw how well he was doing :)


Well-Known Member
4 March 2012
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I did this with my old pony, I sent a random letter to his breeder, I got back foal photo's and a lot about his breeding that I didn't know. I kept her updated throughout the short 9 years that I owned him and sadly a week ago I had to send the dreaded letter of him passing away. Shes very upset but also very grateful that she got see and hear all about the fun he was up to in the 9 years that I owned him.

I think most breeders love to hear about what their horses are upto and to know they found lovely homes.