Life/horse dilemma


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8 March 2009
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I'm in a quandary about what to do with my lovely horses.

I have 2, one of which has been on retirement full livery (she's 24) she's very happy, but with various health issues (copd, uveitis etc) which is managed well and has been there for about 3 years. Yard is extremely good value and in a place I really trust.

My other one is 6 and currently being rehabbed after fracturing his thibia in February. Progressing well and I've now built up to walk/trot for other an hour, should be able to introduce canter work in September too if physio gives the green light!

The issue is, I'm relocating to near Heathrow to live with my boyfriend, I've got a new job, which is much more pay than I'm on now. But despite that the livery costs for my young boy is astronomical (circa 500 a month for part livery with feed, bedding and hay included). Yards are also few and far between and because of his accident (and the fact he's anti social!!) he has to be on individual turn out which again is hard to find and I can find ones which are 30mins + drive away. Which would mean probably only riding at weekends as my new job will finish at 5.30 (plus 45 mins or so commuting).

I can afford the livery costs, however it would leave me with not that much money at the end of the month, and I'd hate to have to rely on my boyfriend for support. He's already being very generous and not charging me much rent at all. If I didn't have my older horse, I would be in a more comfortable position but that solution isn't a very nice one :-(

I'm totally in a muddle about what to do...

I could loan him out, but I've had previous bad experiences of loaning out my older horse, and he's more 'quirky' and less established than her so needs confident riding. Plus his injury may put off some people.

I really don't want to sell him.

Does anybody have any thoughts?

Biscuits and a cuppa for all!


Well-Known Member
8 July 2009
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If he's on part livery (so basic daily care included) then presuming the yard has a floodlit or indoor school (which most places offering livery packages will) there's no reason you couldn't ride after work surely- light enough to hack in the evenings in summer or school and if there's the right facilities you can school in the evening in winter?
There's quite a few livery yards within 30/45 mins of heathrow depending which way you go but the price is likely to be about the same if you want part livery.
Or move both to grass livery- some will have facilities still allowing winter evening riding, others won't. For example, Kings ranch is just off j13 m25, full grass livery Inc hay, feed and daily check is £200 a month with a fab school, xc schooling paddock, emergency stable and hacking a short box away on chobham common. (Not related to them or advertising, just pointing out another option!)


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21 June 2005
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You could look for a private yard. i.e. a yard that is at someone house where they don't use the stables etc. or possibly have a spare stable etc. were you could have individual turnout.
You would be surprised how many of them are about - it s just a matter of finding them. You could ask local farriers, vets or put up a notice in the local tack shops/feed merchants or local horse riding Facebook pages.
I have a couple in one of my fields (one retired and the other still ridden once a week) (they keep the grass down so don't charge them any rent so everyone is very happy).


Well-Known Member
3 May 2014
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If it were me I would PTS the old one and sell the young one.

You've said you don't want to sell the young one so your only option is loan or share. People won't be put off by quirks - there are plenty of good riders out there who don't like riding easy horses. Same goes for sharers.

I think you should ask yourself if the aggro of everything is worth it. £500 is a lot of money to spend per month - you could put that towards a house deposit etc.

Sorry to be a bit of a Debbie Downer but it sounds like you would like a bit more disposable cash, and two horses isn't going to help that. Enjoy the money and time with your BF :)