Listening to music while you ride?


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4 February 2011
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I listen to all sorts but mainly upbeat stuff (kinda poppy dance music e.g. Daft Punk, LMFAO, FAt Boy Slim). I also have the benefit of having done a DTM class so know that 'The Heat is On' suits our trot work and 'The Phantom of The Opera' suits our canter work.

I just play around with stuff, if the tempo is a bit slow I try to slow the trot, then push on fo faster. If it is just right I use it to collect and extend so I can use the tempo to keep me right.

And just for the record I never listen to it on the roads just when schooling :)


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23 August 2010
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i dont really listen to music to match the paces, but will just play whats on my playlist. for lunging and canter work though i always listen the one of The Killers albums, just habit and helps me time how long we do what for otherwise i spend too long on one rein and not enough on the other ect


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31 March 2011
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i love listening to my music while i school, same as Batgirl though not out and about, i just put my playlist on and off we go, most the music is up tempo stuff as also use same playlist for the gym so never anything to dreary, but find its a great to help keep concentration and but out any unwanted noises or irritations (on a yard with plenty of busy bodies) so have taken to using is most the time for schooling, also like to play with the paces and try to fit to the rythem of the tune, find it particularly helpful if know the song really well can plan next few movements to suit music, However did get Bit of tina turner come on the other day 'simply the best' great for confidence but really not suited to any of our paces so just had a breather and enjoyed the song with a grin on my face. Super way to get yourselves in the zone though.


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24 February 2014
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I agree completely about hacking, it is very dangerous. But yesterday I created a little playlist and she went the best ever. It must make us more relaxed. I also found it helped me feel the horses movements more.


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9 February 2009
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Probably going to get shot down in flames, but, i listen to music out on our hack, when on our own.

Never on the road, but do elsewhere.

I will add, its only in one ear & on quite low, i can always hear something coming, but i find it relaxes me, therefore relaxes my horse.

***Disclaimer... i do know our lad very well.


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4 November 2010
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I have it on sometimes while schooling. Whatever I'm in the mood for, sometimes just radio. I find it helpful. There are some tracks we just have to canter to, or medium-collect-medium to (etc) depending on their style!


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25 August 2011
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I listen to music whilst hacking but as I live on dartmoor most of my hacks are off road and in the middle of no where! Been listening to music on my hacks for over 7 years now and I can't go without my MP3 player. Always warm up to enigma, then a bit of chicane (off shore is the most amazing song to listen to on the moor, no one about, sun setting and seeing miles and miles around you). On my long hacks I listen to dream theater, the who, incubus, joe satarini and I gallop/canter to anything with a good guitar solo, Underworld- scribble is a brill song to have a long canter to! Recently discovered how much fun cantering/ galloping to drum and bass is and cantered my youngster for the first time while listening to rudimental's feel the love. My plan is to do a dressage test to chase and statues's lost and not found with my youngster. It does help the part of dartmoor I ride on have 'gallops' on which the local ptp trainers use to get their horses fit so my hacks can be pretty fast (my welsh d thinks she's a thoroughbred now lol) Riding just isn't the same without my music now and makes a hack go from good to memorable. Funnily enough my headphones always stay in when I come off so always entertaining lol,


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12 February 2012
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I used to listen to music out hacking (on private land only) when on my own. My anglo loves tiny tempa! My shire x loved marroon 5 and the killers! They enjoyed the music more than me, maybe its because it muffled the sound of me moaning about life to them! Lol


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12 September 2013
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When I am schooling i listen to random stuff but we enjoy a bit of classical music such as Andre Rieu Blue Danube is great to work to


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22 April 2012
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I often listen to music (using the speaker on my phone) when schooling, it really helps me relax and therefore my horse is much more relaxed :) I've never tried matching the music to the paces but I might give it a go!


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3 June 2013
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I listen to music whilst hacking but as I live on dartmoor most of my hacks are off road and in the middle of no where! Been listening to music on my hacks for over 7 years now and I can't go without my MP3 player. Always warm up to enigma, then a bit of chicane (off shore is the most amazing song to listen to on the moor, no one about, sun setting and seeing miles and miles around you). On my long hacks I listen to dream theater, the who, incubus, joe satarini and I gallop/canter to anything with a good guitar solo, Underworld- scribble is a brill song to have a long canter to! Recently discovered how much fun cantering/ galloping to drum and bass is and cantered my youngster for the first time while listening to rudimental's feel the love. My plan is to do a dressage test to chase and statues's lost and not found with my youngster. It does help the part of dartmoor I ride on have 'gallops' on which the local ptp trainers use to get their horses fit so my hacks can be pretty fast (my welsh d thinks she's a thoroughbred now lol) Riding just isn't the same without my music now and makes a hack go from good to memorable. Funnily enough my headphones always stay in when I come off so always entertaining lol,

I used to listen to Classic FM whilst schooling my lad but stopped when I moved to another yard. No reason other than I just didn't think about it. But I've recently rediscovered the joys of listening to music whilst lunging with a wifi speaker and it not only makes it more enjoyable (I find lunging soooo painfully boring) but seems to relax us both too. I've made up a playlist just for lunging and have a couple enigma tracks on it. My favorite song for warming up is Only Time by Enya. Can't get enough of that at the moment. Galloping across Dartmoor must be amazing! I'm not keen on the idea of listening to music whilst hacking but think I definitely have to have a go at cantering/galloping to rudimental's feel the love now you've mentioned it. Btw have you seen the video for feel the love? It's got horses in it (although being ridden very badly! Lol).


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1 February 2013
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I have the radio on in the indoor school if I'm in there, so whatever is on Radio1 as it's the only station that works without being fuzzy on the old thing. Never listened to music while out hacking, but that's because it's all road work where I am. About to move yards though and there will be no road work so might give it a try, as I tend to talk/sing to my boy anyway to keep him calm lol


Well-Known Member
25 August 2011
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I used to listen to Classic FM whilst schooling my lad but stopped when I moved to another yard. No reason other than I just didn't think about it. But I've recently rediscovered the joys of listening to music whilst lunging with a wifi speaker and it not only makes it more enjoyable (I find lunging soooo painfully boring) but seems to relax us both too. I've made up a playlist just for lunging and have a couple enigma tracks on it. My favorite song for warming up is Only Time by Enya. Can't get enough of that at the moment. Galloping across Dartmoor must be amazing! I'm not keen on the idea of listening to music whilst hacking but think I definitely have to have a go at cantering/galloping to rudimental's feel the love now you've mentioned it. Btw have you seen the video for feel the love? It's got horses in it (although being ridden very badly! Lol).

When I saw the video I thought I've got to have a gallop to that song!! Enigma's metamorphosis is always the first song, perfect on an autumn evening, with the sun setting and that smell of wet soil in the air, the best song ever to canter and gallop to is G3- rocking in the free world, the middle guitar solo is 5 mins long and I was so proud of Izzi when she managed to canter for the whole of it! (The 'gallops' are over a mile long). My mare is really spooky and jumpy so the music really helps me relax, sing badly and unwind. Can't beat a bit of pink Floyd and Bon jovi! I used to jump in the field to heavy metal which was always fun lol!


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7 March 2011
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I've got one of those little portable speakers that plugs into ipod/phone etc, so I can listen to music when i ride in school or out hacking (i do tend to switch it off for the little bit of road we have to do, or at least turn it right down). My ex-loan mare loved Black and Yellow by wiz khalifa and she loved anything by tinie tempah, she hated adele, i had to quickly switch over to another song before she got grumpy when adele came on lol :)

Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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Are these people serious that they ride with their ears plugged listening to music, even out riding???? What happenes if a biker came up behind you out hacking or schooling in the ménage, somebody yelled FIRE or child badly kicked and you didn't hear a thing. Bad enough seeing joggers with their ears plugged up and seeing several nearly knocked down by running across the road without looking either way. Just waiting to see one do it and then I can stand witness just as long some silly sod doesn't suddenly run out in front of me.


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14 August 2013
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I quite often listen to podcasts and music when I'm riding in the school. Monty seems to like it - he went beautifully last week when we were both learning about The Tale of Sinuhe on the In Our Time podcast :D

I have my phone in my jods pocket anyway so I just set it up and listen to it. No earphones needed and the yard is usually v. quiet so it's not like I'm getting on anyone's nerves.


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7 April 2014
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Sorry EchoBravo I am one of those joggers with the headphones in, don't see the issue? I'm only running on the pavement where the only other things that should be in my way are other pedestrians in which case I am usually the fastest moving person there so hardly need to get out the way! If a cyclist was on the pavement and I ran into his path then his silly fault as shouldn't be on the pavement. I stop and look both ways when crossing the street whilst running just as I do when I'm walking - the music has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that some people don't look before they cross the road! Awful to wish an accident on the jogger and the driver simply because some people are ignorant.

I would not do it out hacking though, as sometimes hearing things before your horse sees them is crucial. Saying that, I am not fortunate enough to have access to hacking without going on the roads! I don't think I'd do it though. Listening to music over a speaker in the school - yes absolutely - out hacking with headphones in... no, don't think so. I wouldn't even be able to ride with headphones in in the school as my loan mare is very responsive to imaginary sights and sounds so need to keep my wits about me and know what might be happening haha.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Are these people serious that they ride with their ears plugged listening to music, even out riding???? What happenes if a biker came up behind you out hacking or schooling in the ménage, somebody yelled FIRE or child badly kicked and you didn't hear a thing. Bad enough seeing joggers with their ears plugged up and seeing several nearly knocked down by running across the road without looking either way. Just waiting to see one do it and then I can stand witness just as long some silly sod doesn't suddenly run out in front of me.

I listen to music schooling all the time when I ride in my arena. If someone shouts FIRE or someone is kicked then it could equally happen when I was out hacking. Are you suggesting I sit and "monitor" my yard at all times in case someone needs me? My horse time is my horse time. I would hope if there was a fire someone would come and let me know, or not, but all the same it would not be so different as if I went out hacking.

My arena is on the junction of a road, and when I have a new horse I deliberately have ear phones in. I find the horse will get over the distractions in the road (over a fence, a gap, a hedge and a ditch) if I am not also distracted by them, one of us has to stay with our attention in the arena.

If the horse is distracted I just concentrate on when he is actually doing, such as if his ribs push into my leg, I straighten him up. I have sorted out a small issue before, and then realised that the huge double wheeled tractor, with trailer with massive folded up sprayer that is towering above us was probably the cause. No matter, by the time I have concentrated on the tight rib issue the horse is back with his concentration on me. I have had large groups of cyclists, motorbikes, a heard of stampeding cattle, horse and trap, combine harvester...... even friends at the gate shouting and banging and my horse has learned to keep his attention.

If I want a different experience I use a PA system that is good and loud, and plug it into an ipad, and then my horse seems to keep the beat, or at least understand why I am insisting on a certain rhythm.

I do not agree with listening on the public highway though, as I feel I have responsibility towards other road users. As devil's advocate I would question the sense of loud music for drivers, they may also miss a horn or shout.