Well-Known Member
I am really rather hacked off. The Olympia website says the coverage is being broadcast on the french eurosport channel instead of the british. What a total balls up.
think its on now they have just apologised for the snooker over running! Looks like all we are getting is the jump off.
The year before last they showed it on sky sports and the coverage was excellent. They showed all the live show jumping and also had the pony club games, shetland grand national etc. It seems a real shame that they dont show all of it any more and now can't even be bothered to show all the live show jumping from tonight. Why is it as equestrian viewers we always seem to draw the short straw. Equestrian events are not shown enough on TV and then when we get a british high profile show like olympia they cancel it for snooker. I am really annoyed about this. Its about time something got done. I think there is an audience out there, we just do not get the opportunities to watch. Also why can't the bbc show more than it does. We should be promoting equestrianism through the media and as usual minimal coverage is given.