Liveries do their own horses on Christmas Day


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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I honestly wouldn't care if someone else thought they could be superior because they mucked out their horse on Xmas day. I had to pack in a local family visit, trip to the yard and walking 4 dogs properly before changing and going upto London for lunch. Yard staff get the last laugh when they are hacking in the sunshine while I am stuck in an office!


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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I think a lot depends on if your family lives locally or not. For some xmas is the only time of year when their family gets together. My family cant come to me as I live in a tiny one bedroom flat and to fit 6 people in there would be impossible I don't even have a table that would seat 6 people and expecting my uncle who has cancer to travel a long distance would not be fair.

It would not be possible for my family to come just for the day as it would take so long for them to get here and additionally there would be no-where for them to park their cars either.

I think it would be quite fun to come to the yard on xmas day with some family members would break up the day a bit and get everyone out of the house. However for some people it is just not possible if they do not have family near by the yard and have to travel, sometimes family have to take priority over horses. I think now many people move away from their family to find work especially in rural northern areas where there many not be enough work to support everyone in the community.

I know this is always going to be an issue whilst my parents are alive (and long may they live!) unless one we move nearer each other or I get a big house neither of which is likely, therefore I need to be on a yard that can provide services on xmas day and I don't mind paying extra for this.

I would hope that yard staff working on xmas day will be getting extra pay especially those providing services for people who would normally be on DIY. I think full livery should incorporate xmas day and other bank holidays and the charge for full livery should take into account paying staff extra to work unsociable hours.


Well-Known Member
20 October 2012
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In my eyes, christmas day is no different to any other day when you have horses. If I had a horse in full livery, I would not question whether it would be done as usual by the YO (or staff). (I would give a present for it being Christmas.) Likewise DIY, I would expect to turn up like any other day and DIY.

As it is, I have never had a horse on livery nor will I. I like doing my own and if I do go away, then family step in to fill the breach for a day or two. My holidays are reserved for out of hunting season so all my horses are turned away when I do go away (so little/nothing to do).

I have about 8 spare stables in my yard and I could not bear to have liveries in. I like my equipment right where I left it - and the radio on a the station of my choice and pretty much everything my own way :-D