Livery notice

I don’t like mondays

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28 December 2020
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What’s the done thing when it comes to giving notice on livery. I have no contract and pay 1st month in advance. If giving notice now do you think it’s ok to effectively give 2.5 weeks notice and leave at the end of the month (having paid at the start of this month for the rest of April) or do I need to give 1 full months notice? It’s a DIY yard with no services or staff. I don’t want to offend the current YO (they are lovely and I might want to return). Not sure what’s common practice (in the absence of a contract/agreement). Thanks

I don’t like mondays

Well-Known Member
28 December 2020
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Ok thank you everyone, I’ll give 1 full months notice. I wanted to check what the done thing was (didn’t want to seem rude/cheeky by asking the yard owner if we could give 2.5 weeks notice if that wasn’t the right thing if you see what I mean)


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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One months notice given on the 1st of the month at my yard, so that I can fill the space reasonably quickly, bearing in mind that most incoming liveries will have to give a months notice themselves. Empty boxes cost us yard owners dear, so the more notice we get, the easier life is!


Well-Known Member
4 October 2018
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Give a month's notice starting from the 1st of the next month. If that doesn't work for you, just discuss with the yard-owner and come to a compromise you can both agree on.


Well-Known Member
2 April 2012
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I ask for a months notice but don't mind when in the month it's given so if you gave notice now and are paid up until the end of the month as long as you then paid another two weeks or whatever to take it up to the 15th of the next month that would be fine by me and of course you could then physically leave at any time before then. I know some insist on the months notice being given on the first of the month though so best to ask if you are on good terms.

The Jokers Girl

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12 July 2017
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My view is if the yard owner has not bothered giving out a contract then they can't hold anyone to any non existent terms. A week is sufficient and if the YO doesn't like it then they need to start providing contracts setting out in writing what is expected of their customers. There are enough free templates online, so not an arduous job to cobble together.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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What’s the done thing when it comes to giving notice on livery. I have no contract and pay 1st month in advance. If giving notice now do you think it’s ok to effectively give 2.5 weeks notice and leave at the end of the month (having paid at the start of this month for the rest of April) or do I need to give 1 full months notice? It’s a DIY yard with no services or staff. I don’t want to offend the current YO (they are lovely and I might want to return). Not sure what’s common practice (in the absence of a contract/agreement). Thanks

People today are lot more unfair than in the old day's we have found.

The recent one had a pony they had on lease, they knew what our contract said and signed it, then had the audacity to tell us, we breached our contract as we did not turn pony out at 7pm so they do not feel they need to give notice, and not pay the month as pony won't be there so no labour or feed so they won't pay.

Suffice to say our contract does NOT say we turnout at 7am only the yard starts at 7pm then feeding changing rugs then start turning out. They new my lami pony does not go out till 9am Wanted me to turn my pony early, I said you could have asked any time to turn out early but no you did not want it on it's own.

Had so many like this, that is why I would always have my contract saying what we do and our terms so every one is clear, but you always get unfair nasty people out there spoiling it.

when people give notice here, they pay a month in advance, they can leave before as long as they pay in advance or part pay if notice falls two weeks into the payment.

You have no contract, but if they are that nice people, you want to leave on good terms, if you think you may come back. Personally I would have words with them, be fair and open and explain you may come back and how much notice/payment do you need to give.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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My view is if the yard owner has not bothered giving out a contract then they can't hold anyone to any non existent terms. A week is sufficient and if the YO doesn't like it then they need to start providing contracts setting out in writing what is expected of their customers. There are enough free templates online, so not an arduous job to cobble together.

That’s not strictly true. A contract is implied by the payment frequency.

The Jokers Girl

Well-Known Member
12 July 2017
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Unfortunately not, it's trotted out as that and it being legally binding but it isn't. Its just something that is said on here on a regular basis, but not in Law. Livery owners who don't provide a contract would struggle to reclaim anything at small claims. If YO want to protect themselves and demand a month's notice, provide a contract.