Livery Yard managers ask too much?


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24 May 2024
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So I’ve been on my current yard for around 5/6 years now and I used to love it. In the past 12 months or so it’s like the yard owner doesn’t care anymore and only bothers about their own horses and not the liveries. I completely get owners horses should come first but I get the feeling that it seems to them like they pay us to be there not the other way around. An example of this is using and breaking our equipment without telling us, having to brush everywhere the horses have stepped including upto the fields (this is fair at times but taken too far), passive aggressive messages on the Facebook group about silly things, muck heap not being patted down perfectly straight, making us get up on the muck heap and step it down which is just dangerous and if we fall it’s onto concrete (wouldn’t mind if it was more muck heap) and I feel picked on at times. I dread having to spend the day down at the yard if I’ve got a farrier or physio coming as they will have a go at me over something small. I want to move but i know the place I’m at is one of the only places around here with winter turnout and don’t like seeing horses stood in their stables 24/7. I want to move for my mental health but I would feel selfish. I think it’s hard as you should always respect and keep clean if it’s someone else’s space (which I do) but just gets too much at times and adds an extra hour onto jobs with all the ‘rituals’ we have to follow. Has anyone had a similar experience?


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24 May 2024
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Might I add.. basic things are no longer being done such as
Arena being harrowed, field maintenance, repairs. It takes DIY to a whole new level, it feels like we really have to do everything our selves with little to no management. Sorry for being so negative but just asking if anyone has been though the same


4 July 2012
Formerly Canada....Now Surrey
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Just like a job with a micromanager manager, I think you need to look for a new yard. I'd be concerned about safety if maintenance and repairs are going by the wayside as well. You may need to travel further for winter turnout or sacrifice the turnout, especially if you can't find anything before the fall/winter. I'd really be looking to get out ASAP.

Lois Lame

Well-Known Member
11 May 2018
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It sounds very odd that the yard manager or owner is using your stuff without permission. Are you sure it's this person?


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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Have you actually spoken to the yo about any of this? I find most problems at liveries is that no one actually communicates properly.


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29 March 2023
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Definitely try speak to them first, but if its an overall management issue / not resolvable and its ruining your horse time, find a new livery. I did and never looked back :) There's still drama at the new yard but it doesn't mentally affect me or my horse the way it did at the last one. Life is too short


Well-Known Member
30 July 2010
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I can sympathise with you OP. I've been on the same yard for nearly 20 years but in the last few years the yard owner (non-horsey) is making more and more irrational decisions and what communication there is, is usually rude and threatening. You can't question anything without being told 'My farm, my rules. If you don't like it leave.' You'd never believe we were the paying customers. I stay because it suits my elderly horse, I have friends here and the other liveries are lovely. I'm on the waiting list for another yard which would suit me and my horse but it's very small and vacancies don't come up often.

If you aren't happy OP and can find a suitable yard you should move for the sake of your mental health. Don't feel selfish. Horses are an expensive hobby and time you spend with your horse should be enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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If you don't like it why are you putting up with it? Just move.
Sometimes it isn’t as easy as that. Yards in certain areas are few and far between.

OP I can relate. No words of encouragement I’m afraid, usually I’m working at ‘busy’ times so when I’m up it’s generally quiet or only me there which keeps me semi-sane!