Livery yard recommendations wanted - Surrey


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21 June 2005
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Much appreciated if someone can offer opinions/recommendations for livery yards in Surrey. I'm open to going as far afield as Horsham, Reigate, Epsom, Tadworth, Guildford, etc..

I don't think my requirements are complicated, but I'm having a difficult time.

I am looking for something with super-responsible care, as much turnout as poss, night t/o in the summer, good grazing in big fields (not these teensy 1/2 acre paddocks everyone seems to be using), 12x12 stable, at least 20x60 arena with good footing and lights, tidy environment, possibility of late access (i.e. after 9pm), will let me bring my own trainer, worming programme, part livery service only.

In return, I pay on time, I'm responsible, I tidy up after myself, I don't make unreasonable demands, and I don't disturb yard managers unnecessarily.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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I can think of 2 yards that are open late but even they pack up at 9pm. I think it will be hard to find somewhere that will provide access that late.

Horses require some quiet time to relax and eat undisturbed and also the yard staff have to get up early and so want to shut up at a reasonable hour.

I personally think that your other requirements could be met by a number of yards but the 'after 9pm' is stretching things a bit.

Another factor that could inhibit you obtaining access and riding after 9pm is that it would mean the use of floodlights for around 10 months of the year (an expense for the yard owner) and many arenas with permission for lights have a 'cut off' time (typically 9pm) where they are not allowed to use their lights due to a planning condition so that neighbouring houses are not affected by light pollution.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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Have no reccomendations for the area, but after airdale's comments, I must be really lucky. I am regularly at the yard after 9pm, especially in the summer, and am often to be found riding late at night - sometimes that's the only way I can fit everything in!

All I have to do is tell the YO so the tackrooms don't get alarmed until I'm done, and as they do their last check at 10.30/11 pm ish, it all gets done once I've finished!