Livery yard 'rules'


Well-Known Member
11 July 2004
Notts, UK
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These are our yard rules, emailed to every livery on a seasonal basis (the facilities are really good!)

1. No-one on the yard after 4pm on Sunday.
2. No-one on the yard before 6am without prior permission.
3. Horses must not leave the yard without someone being informed about their whereabouts.
4. Tack Room Door must be kept LOCKED at all times.
5. Tack ONLY in the tack room.
6. Each Livery is responsible for their space in the livery room.
7. Haynets and lead ropes must be tied up correctly at all times when stored.
8. No bedding or hay is to be brought onto the yard from an external source.
9. One hay net per night per horse.
10. Two bales of straw per horse per week.
11. No rubber matting in stables without prior permission.
12. It is each liveries responsibility to sweep outside their own stables.
13. Muck must only be placed on far left of muck heap.
14. Yard tools are not communal.
15. Yard tools are to be stored correctly.
16. The Hay Barn is to be kept swept.
17. Lights must be turned off when not in use.
18. All stable doors must be kept shut, unless in use.
19. Hot water may only be used with prior permission.
20. Hosepipe use will be restricted if used excessively.
21. Horse Bathing is only allowed on the far right tie-ring.
22. Horses may not be left tied up.
23. Horses may not be fed tied up.
24. Horses’ feet must be picked out at field gate.
25. No horse is to be left out alone.
26. No stabled horse is to be left out past 5pm in the winter.
27. Ménage use is forbidden between 9 and 12, and after four on weekends.
28. Anyone wishing to use the ménage for lessons must request permission.
29. Jumps must be cleared after use.
30. Do not lunge in the outdoor school.
31. Clear up all muck in either school after use.
32. School gates must be kept shut.
33. Cross country jumps are only to be used on weekends.
34. Owners are liable for any damage their horses cause.
35. Riders are expected to dress in the correct attire for riding.
36. Riders are expected to only ride when using correctly and safely fitting tack.

Any Livery in breach of these rules may be asked to leave the yard!

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you actually have any liveries?
And that first rule is bullsh!t.......


Well-Known Member
31 October 2006
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I couldn't stand rules like that!

I have the opposite problem, absolutely no rules at all, and it drives me crazy! I never know where I stand on any issues. At first it was great, but now it just irritates me. Problem is YO probably wouldn't say if any of us were doing something wrong anyway, so everyone just does what they want. It generally works, but I would prefer some sort of flexible guidelines.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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At my previous yard we were not allowed to turn out/bring in each others horses. We were charged for turning out/bringing in - so it made economical sense not to allow mates to do each others horses.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
It really depends what type of livery yard the YO is running. Ours is DIY but assisted is available.

We can either do each other favours which we do, or YO will assist, because she goes on holiday couple of times a year we have to help each other out, she is fine whatever we do really, TBH I do both, she usually turns out weekday mornings, then I will swap with a friend for couple of bring ins during the week.

If your YO is running a "livery yard" in the true sense of the word then its fair enough if you cannot do favours, its her living!!

Our old yard was the same, we could not do turn outs for each other etc, but he was honest about the reason and didnt put it down to insurance. Sounds like your YO should just say its because she will lose money!!


Well-Known Member
7 March 2006
Cambs/Northants Border
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Our yard is £17.50 a week. There are 6 adults and 10 horses. Only rules are muck heap must go on the top of the heap (which some ignore and drive the YO crazy) fields must be poo picked. You have one pallet for hay/shavings, one pallet in the feed room and a space in the tack room. Leaves must be swept. No one on yard before 6am without permission and no one after about 10.30 without permission (YO lives opposite - we are in a farm yard and an alarm sounds in his house if anyone turned up later, he is very tight on security as all tack and a trailer were stolen about 5 years ago!) Lovely yard we all help each other out and I would be happy to leave my boy with any of them. Oh and he will supply hay at £3.50 a bale but you can buy elsewhere (but only enough to fill a pallet so not really pratical!)


Well-Known Member
11 January 2005
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My yard rules are
- no chewing gum
- no audible music (must use headphones)

That's it, only the 2 rules. I really can't believe some of you are not allowed to turn out or bring in other people's horses, the yard I', at wouldn't function. Most people pay someone to either turn out or bring in so they only have to go down once a day.

I also can't imagine walking round with my 3 dogs on leads all day, and what do you do when you ride? One of my dogs was bred by YO's daughter so he's even welcome in the house!

My YO actually has a copy of a nearby yard's rules up on her window for everyone to laugh at because she thinks it is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2005
west sussex
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OMG! How do you put up with being at that yard? That sounds utterly ridiculous! I mean some are just logic but some of those rules would drive me mad!
I am so glad I am at a private yard!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2005
west sussex
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sorry, just re read my post and it sounds really smug
, but I wouldn't be able to have my horse if I had to follow those rules, it just wouldn't work for me!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Kent - Garden of England
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My yard has the opposite problem. There are not enough rules and I find that quite difficult to live with. There are only a few rules listed in the contract and not one of those is adhered to - even by YO! For example, last yard had a 'no-horse-left-out-in-field-alone' policy which worked really well cos even if i didn't get back from work til 7pm, i knew my horse would have company and not be anxious (or someone would have brought her in anyway). Unfortunately they had no 'dogs-on-yard' policy and although I love dogs (don't have my own) the incidences of dogs weeing against or pooing on the haylage which we had to feed out horses was just unbearable.
Without rules at current yard, there is rubbish left eveywhere, muck forks left on the floor, radio left on full blast at night, tack room is a mess and sometimes cases of horses being left out overnight in winter on their own cos no-one takes responsibility. Think I would welcome a few rules because I have no problem following them if they are for the good of all.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2004
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Wow, Jemayni, you must be a very tolerant and well behaved bunch!!

we don't have many, just:
-all horses must be insured
-all horses must be wormed
-no horse to be turned out alone
-no ball games in the fields
-no 'playing' in the barns (this one makes me laugh!)

I wish there were more rules sometimes, it would stop people either taking the mick or making their own rules up as they go along.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
somewhere i know of says you are not allowed to put your own horse out during the winter (from september - June) & you will be charged £2.50 a day for them to turn out & weather permiting e.g. they could in theory turn out for 1/2 hour & you wouldnt know how long theyd been out for so they'd still get their money!!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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I couldn't stay on your yard - too restrictive as to when I do my horse, where I go etc.

My horses are fine left tied up whilst I do jobs, I am often up the yard at 10 pm a night - I like to ride and do things late in the summer and often have to work late.

I am on a small yard with assisted DIY.

Our rules are sensible

Tidy up everywhere you go and sweep up anything on the floor.

School to have jumps put away and all poo removed after use.

All feed bins to have secure lids and any feeds left outside stable to have covers and nets for next day to be hung on the horse's named hook.

Leave all tools in correct place and as you found them.

Saddles and bridles to be put on nominated rack/hook.

Last one out make sure all locks are in place, stables secure and turn off lights.

Put away hose, and wrap up tap in winter.

Hang up rugs, headcollars etc.

One horse not to be left out alone.

Fields to be poo picked at least once a week - and a set amount of poo to be taken off depending on the turnout you have.

No restrictions on when you are there, who does what, where you go - place to be kept clean, tidy and secure - just how I like it on a yard.


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3 April 2003
South East
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I think the 'no favours' rule is OK if you were made aware of that when you first came to the yard. However, if it has been brought in later on then that is rather unfair when you are budgeting on the basis of sharing chores with friends.

Agent XXX999

Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
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Yard has a couple of rules – the main one being use your common sense…The other one being if in doubt ask ( I use this one often, my poor YO must worry, but I figure that if she told me to do it, I cant get in trouble for it!)


Well-Known Member
27 July 2005
west sussex
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Well, we all use our common sense tho. We all lock the tack room when riding, the radio/lights get switched off by the last person to leave the yard, and we all co-ordinate who is dong am/pm so we know who is turning out/feeding etc
Having said that there is only 4 of us so it is pretty easy


Well-Known Member
14 April 2002
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I have no rules whatsoever. There is only me and the YO on the yard. It works really well as we respect each other. We often help each other out, when shge is off teaching I will happily put her horses to bed and she is happy to do the same for me if I am busy. I can go down whenever I want but I will always let the YO know if I will be there at an unusual time or if I am going off competing.
I love my freedom.

There is no way that I could keep my horse on a yard that only allowed people on at a certain time. I think nothing of going down in the evening to change rugs etc but I am considerate and think about my YO.


Well-Known Member
20 May 2004
The Moon
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Like the rule regarding one horse not to be left out alone.... sounds like a considerate idea....

We have a few rules....

If you open it lock it being the main one.....

Horses are to be brought in a certain way, washed off in tie up yard, wash your own boots off, pick out feet.... then remove rugs and hang and only then with clean horse can you step foot on the yard

All hay when being moved is to be in a bag

All straw whether clean or dirty is to be covered when moving it around.

Muck heap must be kept neat and tidy

And most importantly you need to stick a broom up your bum and sweep where ever you go!

However having said that we do have an exceptionally clean yard which is always commented on by visitors!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2005
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pretty sensible rules - wear hats when riding/lunging, and not allowed to do xc without a b.p and another person around.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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1. No-one on the yard after 4pm on Sunday.
2. No-one on the yard before 6am without prior permission.

[/ QUOTE ] Blimey, I'd never be able to see my horse!! Agree that some rules need to be in place for a well run yard, we have all the standard ones like sweeping/keeping place clean, muck heap tidy, gates shut, school & field poo picked etc, but some of the rules that some of the yards have seem a bit concentration camp like!!

I think the yard I am at has a good balance, nothing silly, but enough rules to keep things ticking over nicely.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2005
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thats my point. when we first went to yard a few months back now we specifically asked if liveries can help each other out and she said yes its fine!