jackie p
Hi everyone i am moving to tilehill i don't know this area what so ever i am after DIy livery for my 16 hh mare does anyone know of anything ??getting desperate now thanks everyone 
I have heard that Beanit farm isn't so bad at the moment. It seems they only have about 8 liveries and the girl doing the services is reliable, so it might be worth a look.
Good luck thenthere may be yards further away in north Coventry such as Bedworth where weston lawns is but other than that, nout, nothing, nadda!
Wish I had money to set up my own yard id be so rich!![]()
*yikes staying away from there*To answer your question from what I've heard and from friends who've left there it's full of teenagers, lots of tears and tantrums, nitpicking, bullying, etc. I can't say I've ever been there myself but it's a very big yard with not so expensive facilities so I guess there'll always be a high turnover. It's nice on the surface with indoor american barns but the place was somewhat rundown the last time I visited. You could try Pool House Farm down the lane (Hob Lane, Balsall Common) I was there for 3yrs and it's a lovely little place with nice people and big stables.
Other alternatives you might try the yard on Waste Lane in Balsall (sorry don't know the name), or Little Beanit (just along from Nailcote Hall) there's a new place thats supposed to be huge with mega facilities close to Berkswell train station, failing that there's Hillfields Farm on Harvest Hill Lane, or you could look on the notice board in Swann's feedmerchants (Corley). There's also Gibbs Bros feed merchants in Balsall Common but I don't know if they have a notice board. You might have more luck Claverdon way or even Kenilworth. Good LuckHope this helps.
it sounds nice on paper facilities wise but if i mention the name to anyone they sort of give me a funny look and tell me not to go there for whatever reason it has a a bad name![]()