Loading and starting to compete


Well-Known Member
6 April 2010
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So, I'm not a competition rider yet :D but you're a lot friendlier in here!

I had Richard Maxwell out to help me and my poor loader pony 10 days ago and it's all going well :) We can load fine and drive around the block with no dramas. I really want to take her out to a few comps now but unsure of my next move. I'm still anxious about her loading away from home and also what she'll be like when we're away.

Should I hire an arena somewhere first time out and see how it goes? Do I tack her up in the trailer when it's all closed up? ( I have visions of her galloping out the gates whilst trying to put on her bridle :p )

I'm hoping to do a bit of unaff dressage & jumping this summer so should I just bite the bullet and take her to one and 'expect' her to behave without a trial run?

As you can probably tell, I'm not the most confident person! :eek: I really try to combat my nerves as she really picks up on them, but it's so difficult!

So what do you guys do when you first take your babies out to compete?

Lots of thanks in advance x


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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Why not either box her somewhere for a lesson or clinic or box her somewhere for a hack so it is a little less pressure and excitement first time.

You could choose somewhere that would be helpful if you had difficulty and might even be able to put her up overnight if the worst came to the worst, say a friend's yard or an equestrian centre. Might be a bit less stressful than finding yourself stuck at a deserted showground after everyone has gone home.....


Well-Known Member
31 March 2011
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I agree id take her somewhere not to far away so worst came to worst you could stable over night or hack home. When i took my baby out for the first time i put the bridal on in the box as i wasn't to sure how she would react to somewhere new and exciting so if i was you i would recommend at least bridal on before leaving box and even whilst loading back up.. then can take of once inside.

I would also recommend maybe taking a friend or someone who can install some confidence in you. Travelling can be such a stressful thing for both horses and riders especially if your already nervous before you set off. and sometimes its good to have an onlooker who can spot situations before they may occur.

be brave and confident, give yourself plenty of time and make sure you have everything you need eg bridal saddle, lunging ropes should you need them, your halty headlcoller etc etc and most of all your horse.. Look forward to reading some outing reports.


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6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Why not either box her somewhere for a lesson or clinic or box her somewhere for a hack so it is a little less pressure and excitement first time.

You could choose somewhere that would be helpful if you had difficulty and might even be able to put her up overnight if the worst came to the worst, say a friend's yard or an equestrian centre. Might be a bit less stressful than finding yourself stuck at a deserted showground after everyone has gone home.....

Agree with this. Its less stressful if you've just been at a lesson rather than you being knackered after a proper event day and you just want to load quickly and go home. Make sure you take a bucket of feed, always helps IMO even if you sprinkle it up the ramp!


Well-Known Member
30 April 2006
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Take it from me, don't go to a competition for the 1st trip out. I made that mistake and had to overnight the horse there and then hack back over the next 2 days with another overnight stop at a friends which was luckily half way on the route I was taking.

When I eventually got back home and sorted his loading out (months later) I went to a local arena and had a lesson, if he didn't load I could very easily hacked back with no bother but luckily he loaded and it was all good.

After having freedom my horse is starting to refuse to load again, you can't rush perfection. He just stands there for 5 mins not moving and then just loads up.

Good luck, I know how you feel.