Loan/ Share horse. SWINDON

14 August 2008
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I've been looking everywhere for a loan horse for ages now with no luck.
I just left my last loan because the owners blamed me for falling off their horse, when it wasn't my fault. Not too nice owners!
Does anyone know of any horses for loan/share in swindon and surronding villages ect or know of any websites that do have. 13.3hh to 16.2hh if anyone has a horse out there.
Email me if you have a horse for me
14 August 2008
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I'm looking to do all of that baisically.
Something that can give me more confidence in my jumping as i have lost alot of confidence recently. I used to jump 3'6 on one of the horses from my college, but since leaving i've lost alot of confidence.
I do like the odd hack occasionally, schooling, baisically an allrounder that i can have fun on. Would like to ride 2 times a week maybe more as my parents will be taking me.
*Would prefer to ride alone as in my last loan i had to ride with the owner and it made me feel really uneasy and worried that i might do something wrong. I need time to get used to the horse and i hate being judged by people (Like my last loan owners, they judged me after only seeing me ride twice and i wasn't used to their horses) Baisically my point is i would rather ride alone with my mum there for company and to take pictures

Email me if anyone wants to ask me anything or add me on msn.
Nicola x x


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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I will be honest Nicola, there is no way in this world I would allow a loaner/sharer to ride one of my horses out alone until I was absolutely certain of their ability, be that 1 session or 20. Horses are living creatures and however bombproof a horse may be, they have reactions like any other living thing, so an owner HAS to be certain of ability, especially in the times of law suits and blame!


Well-Known Member
30 December 2004
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I will be honest Nicola, there is no way in this world I would allow a loaner/sharer to ride one of my horses out alone until I was absolutely certain of their ability, be that 1 session or 20. Horses are living creatures and however bombproof a horse may be, they have reactions like any other living thing, so an owner HAS to be certain of ability, especially in the times of law suits and blame!

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I TOTALLY agree, it would be madness!


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
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I just left my last loan because the owners blamed me for falling off their horse, when it wasn't my fault. Not too nice owners!

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That is absolutely not true.
I feel extremely hurt and upset that you refer to us as not too nice owners. You only rode our horses twice.

The story here is actually. My daughter was looking for company to ride our horses with. Nicola had advertised on New Rider for a loan/share any horse up to 17h

I approached her and explained we had 3 horses 2 cobs 14h 15.1 and a 16.3 WB and my daughter was looking for experienced rider to have fun with. No financial contribution required incl free transport on our horses to shows. Nicola came out with her mum last weekend who took one look at our big lad and said your 're not riding anything as big as that!We offered her a ride on our cobs and she rode each of them for a few minutes each.

I did watch her although apologised for this and said i know how it can feel intimidating. She did not stay long Her mum freely admitted she knew nothing at all about horses and i think she thought you just turned up and rode them and thats it judging by the amount of time they thought it would take.

We made arrangements for Nikki to come again and just ride Jake as she hadn't felt confident on Shandy, we expected as she got more used to the horses she could progress onto to Shandy

This time i kept an eye out whilst poo picking lol. my daughter had put a few very low 10" max cross poles up and Nikki said she wanted to jump them jake merely lengthened his stride rather than jumped them she lost her balance and fell off. I checked she was ok and she got back on. When I got back up to the yard she had left despite the fact she was supposed to be looking after Jake. Obviously i did him so not a problem but what would have happened had she been on her own or with her mum who is not horsey.

When i got home i saw she had put another ad up on new rider requesting another loan horse with out even speaking to us.

Both my daughter and i are very dissaponted with her behaviour. We were prepared to let her ride our horses but after the first problem she was gone. As half of Wiltshire know dear little jakey is a bombproof very easy novice ride, now had we put her on our WB that would have been a different story.

Nicola if you didn't want to ride with my daughter and only on your own why come? We told you my daughter was looking for a like minded girl to have some fun with .

In anycase had we been putting jake on a conventional loan I would still have wanted to feel confident in your ability before I let you have sole charge of any of our horses.

You are being totally unrealistic to just expect to turn up and be "given" a horse.

Oh and for the record the reason you are not riding my horses now is absolutely not because you fell off , its because you used us for a couple of rides then decided to try and find something better without even telling me.