loaner tried horse


Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
scotland uk
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Had a girl up today to try bess out everything was going well I rode bess in the soft snow ( not rode for two weeks ) she was fine walk, little trots and she put in a few strides of canter after a small buck that I did not ask for then went back to normal then loaner went on and in walking was fine only next thing bess started to go down in to a roll the girl came off and bess just rolled away and got up turned around and rolled the other side, the girl was fine I was in shock never done this b4 so why? I dont think it was done with badness the girl said she was not put off, so how do you stop this ?


Well-Known Member
25 July 2008
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Id say the same, if she hasnt been out for 2 weeks (riding wise) maybe she just thought hmmm wonder what this feels like in the snow! (especially soft snow, much more fun to roll in!)
but I would ride her again in it, and if she even feels like she is going down a quick sharp dig with your legs or a smack with the crop to pick herself up and not be silly is the way forward!

at least the girl wasnt put off! ask her if she would like to come back for another try if she is still interested and just say if she feels she is going down again that she should correct bess with a smack or kick on..... and hopefully she wont do it again and the loaner will be happy with her!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
scotland uk
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yes she does adore the snow, take the scary bit away you could see she loved it tack did'nt I was standing right beside her trying to make sure she did not get tangled in the reins at least both horse and rider ok.. I went back on her and she was ok all rolled out I did say for loaner to think about it and can try again another day I asked did she get any warning and just thought bess head getting very low then off it was quick that the scary part..


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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As he is in 24/7 (fields trashed) and rugged (as clipped) atm I am letting share horsey have a good roll in either the indoor school or snow as soon as I take rugs off. He *loves* it. We then do a little lunging or loose schooling to get the bucks out before riding. Only seems fair given the additional resitrictions he is under.

Might be worth a try before the next trial (loaner could try lunging maybe if that is something they might want to do with her anyway?). And then horsey has NO excuse for that kind of behaviour when ridden!

If it makes you feel any better about the loan prospect I can tell you that the only potential share beast I tried who took off with me is the one I now love sharing... ;-)


Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
scotland uk
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cant do free lunging as no arena,its great to watch going to fence off best area in field so that this and other lunging can be done and will always make it my or bess routine to let any steam off first does not take much to tire her out as she is a heavyweight not over fat as asked vet..