Loaning a horse


Well-Known Member
28 June 2016
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I wrote a long essay and then decided it made no sense so I’d start again and try and keep it short and sweet! Has anyone ever had success loaning out their horse to stay on present yard? So loaner would have to pay the full livery fee and obviously all other costs.
The horse is a very talented and straightforward ride suitable for most riders, whether that’s a less experienced competitor wanting to get to the nationals this year or an experienced rider wanting to go out at a higher level and continue on from there. He also hacks and jumps. So he’s genuinely a really nice horse, I’m just weighing up options at the moment.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2016
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I haven't been the loaner, but I have been the loanee in this sort of situation (not such a talented horse, but a nice pony with competitive potential).

It all worked very well (from my point of view) until the pony got a field injury which sadly ended his ridden career.

I think if you have a clear loan agreement, and set all the important boundaries in advance, this sort of arrangement can work really well.

Lady Jane

Well-Known Member
1 September 2019
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I loaned my horse but the horse had to stay on my yard. It worked well and I could keep an eye on things. I couldn't bring myself to let him out of my sight. It helped that I already knew the loaners