Lone Riders


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30 November 2005
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I only ever ride in company when I am exercising at Bekkas. I cant stand going out with other people, because all three of mine are uber speedy compared to friends horses, and I very rarely hack out for enjoyment, more fitness than anything. Usually I lead ride also, whilst I am ok lead riding in the company of Bekka down at her yard, my coloured plays up when I am in company of any horses he doesn't know, so its safer to hack out alone...


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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*Another lone hacker---I can talk to my mule *

ive been caught out doing this! was bumbling along singing 'wild thing' (one verse anyway, dont know the rest) and chatting to horse when some fell runners passed us - dont know how long they'd been behind me but they were sniggering


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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That reminds me of an embarrassing incident I had a few years back.

I had just started dating a new guy who worked in London, and was rather keen. He rang from his office on my moby while I was out riding (alone), we had a nice chat, then I put my phone back in my pocket, but had failed to turn it off.

I then went for a trot along the road, chatting away to my horse, goodness knows what, but you can imagine it was something along the lines of, 'come on Jack, let's go for a nice trot, now nice and steady, no spooking at the birdies in the hedge...gibber gibber gibber.

Of course, not only could he hear it all above the sound of clopping hooves, but the little bxgger only went and put it on speaker phone so the whole office could also join in the fun.

And reader, I married him!

(No, not really, he was very short and a complete twxt)