Long boots or short boots and chaps and recommendations please!


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Hi everyone!

Happy New Year! It's my birthday today (yay) and I've been given some money to treat myself to new boots. Looking for your recommendations as I have no idea what to go for. I've been riding for the last 2ish years in super uncomfortable decathlon rubber boots that I picked up with the aim of getting something better if I kept at it.

I only get to ride once a week but hoping to increase this after this newest lockdown. I want something that will last as well. Budget up to about £200 but hopefully a bit less. I appreciate any and all recommendations!

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
I still wear the short Ariat zip up boots I got a year after I started 19 years ago. I wear them with innexpensive Tuffa suede half chaps of similar age. The boots look like the current Devon pro. They have been carefully polished over the years.
My husband had similar with matching Ariat chaps so the overall effect was like a long boot.
I now own a very expensive pair of long riding boots which can be reheeled by a shoe mender.
Our RI was adamant that one's ankles should remain flexible so I didnt buy cheaper or rubber long boots.
But being practical. If you are going to hack out in winter with the temperature below freezing, you are going to need two pairs of boots. One for summer and one for winter.
Do I have views. yes. Once you have ridden in the finest long boots which allow your leg close contact with the sides of the horse, you may not want to ride in anything else. However these lovely boots are not dual purpose.
If your RS needs clients to bring horses in from the field or turn them out again you need something more solid and non slip.


Well-Known Member
15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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I used to wear short boots with chaps but once I started to wear long boots I'd never go back to short boots again. There's lots of sales on ATM and you can buy Ariat long boots at under £200.


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9 May 2020
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I have both long and short but much prefer long for riding. If you're just riding then I think it's a case of personal preference. I do find the short boots and a pair of insulated wellies useful for various things in summer or winter.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2008
Suffolk/Norfolk border
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Short boots (Ariat) and chaps for me, although I do have both. With short boots you can whip off the chaps and wear them for yard work, walking, driving etc. Also they keep my feet warm - my long boots don’t. And I don’t need the change into them when I get to the yard as I can drive/cycle/walk there ready to go.


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27 September 2013
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I have some ancient Mark Todd short paddock boots which have stood the test of time and were super comfortable from day one. I wear them with chaps and even risk wet feet as they are so comfy.


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13 November 2009
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Ariats are the most comfortable for me I have long insulated for hunting and short with chaps for competing. Also use brogini jodhpur boots with chaps for everyday use .
28 February 2011
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I don't like long boots. I like to have full flexibility of my ankles. So short boots and chaps for me all the way. I don't buy expensive boots either as they get abused at work so there's no point. A pair of Brogini's or Dublin's do me.

Jeni the dragon

Well-Known Member
2 August 2019
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I prefer short boots and suede half chaps. I have really short legs so struggle to find long boots I can ride comfortably in.
My long boots are Mountain Horse and very smart, don't think they were much more than £200 though that was quite a few years ago!


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
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It depends a bit .. for longevity and everyday riding I prefer short boots and chaps .. for smart I prefer long boots..

Currently have a Ariat Wexford short boots with a pair of Tredstep Suede chaps ( prefer chaps in winter as easier to fit big soaks / thick winter breeches on underneath .. useing chaps means you can have slimmer pair for warm weather and thicker pair for cold weather ..) NB don't buy the ariat chaps as the zips are rubbish.. Tredstep also do leather gaiters that make it look like you are wearing long boots .. they have a good range of sizes too .. so different combinations of calf width x height.

Chaps and short boots are more versatile .. my chaps have out lasted several pairs of Wexfords..

In past I have had a pair of Tuffa Derby slim fit long boots which did last forever ... several years of daily use and abuse.. but they aren't the smartest of boots..

I also have a pair of Mountain Horse Soverign long boots for smart .. but I don't wear them in winter as winter just trashes boots..


Well-Known Member
12 May 2012
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I used to wear short boots with chaps but once I started to wear long boots I'd never go back to short boots again. There's lots of sales on ATM and you can buy Ariat long boots at under £200.
I said the same- spent years in Ariat tall boots - country boots that I can ride, walk the dogs, do jobs outside in. In the summer heat wave treated myself to some bareback equestrian short boots and have worn them ever since.
So Op I suggest Ariat tall boots for winter or bareback equestrian if you prefer short. Downside of short is if it’s muddy my jeans get muddy, so need to get changed when I go back indoors, long boots offer more protection.
I’ve never worn chaps, then again I always ride in jeans - so never ‘look’ the part anyway. I recommend both types of boots as smart, comfortable and long lasting- I don’t look after them, an occasional hose off,scrub with a brush and Leather conditioner if i remember whilst cleaning tack.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2014
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having tried both, my preference is long boots. Particularly if you do schooling and lessons. Ariat suit me best.


Bugrit! Millennium hand and shrimp.
19 November 2011
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I used to always wear long boots for riding, but always took them off immediately as they were no good for walking or driving and I didn't want to ruin them. Then I bought some chaps with suede on the inside and just take them off and keep the joddy boots on.. Simples.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Thanks everyone for your helpful advice.

I've just ordered Dublin jodhpur boots and chaps, as I couldn't quite bring myself to spend on the ariats. Not overly concerned with smartness as I don't show or anything. Hoping to be able to spend more time on the yard so I thought boots and chaps was the best option given what you've all said. Also managed to sneak a new riding jacket in the order too :)

Thanks again