Hi all, bit of a long shot but I was wondering if any hampshire based people could help me out? Was wondering if anyone knew of any yards that were for rent at the mo? If you do pm me xxxx
On the NFED www.nfed.co.uk there is a livery and yards section and i thinky there are a couple of yards to rent on there in the area u want. Tehe the NFED is my bible!
If you wanted to come over to the edge of the New Forest, I know of a simply gorgeous yard to let. Also depends how many boxes you need, this one has 4, floodlit all-weather arena, post & rail paddocks, hacking straight onto the Forest . . . . I'd have rented it but I can't afford it!
Thanks for all that info guys - new forest and hook both too far for me
but will look on NFED website. All pie in the sky atm my deal with the land i was going to build on fell through so just searching out options right now.