Long term loan of a youngster ?


Well-Known Member
3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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many people who would take on a youngster in this situation are novice and that would worry me in your shoes, maybe look for an older teenager and get them helping with groundwork then look at sending horse and rider off to go through the backing process together? that way you are all getting something out of it.
do you need a financial contribution or could you fund the horse and a lesson once a week with a good instructor, that way horse and rider get to progress together and you get to be involved along the way.


Well-Known Member
24 September 2013
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I have a youngster on full loan. I'm very aware that her owner may just take her from me one day, especially as she is very talented, but I'm fully aware of this and it's a risk I chose/choose to take. I'm very much enjoying bringing her on, and though I obviously would be sad if her owner was to take her back, the experience, knowledge, places (competing wise) and wonderful memories it has given me is enough for me to the risk, and something her owner could/would never have with this particular mare!

I very much believe in everything happens for a reason, and this mare came to me by chance and I believe we were both meant to have a partnership. Whether it will be for the long-term, who knows. Maybe I'm just too optimistic, but as I said above, it works for me :)
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