Well-Known Member
She looks very sweet. Good luck and enjoy!
Fingers crossed Yorks!
Sorted out livery and insurance last night, all that's left to do is get her stable ready on Saturday!
I shall dig this thread up this time next year, when you are tired of winter,mud, smallling, having no money and hopefully we will all remember what it feels like waiting for The Day
I'm glad that she travelled well. looking forward to the photos.
Hi kinda new here but wanted to hop onto your post. I'm hoping to be a first time buyer soon too I want a cleveland x tb so on the look out for the right 1 for me. Your girl looks lovely she looks like she will be a lot of fun. Just wondering you mentioned you needed to get a bridle, did you have much before you got her home or is it buying as you need it. My friend told me to have everything ready within reason before I got a horse. Like first aid. Mucking out tools. Extra lead rope head collar etc are you as prepared as that or just seeing how it goes? I'm 1 who has to have everything ready before whatever it is im doing starts lol
Terrible photo, but will do for now