Thankyou, we are name choosing as we also have her half sister, she is called Juno after the goddess, so we wanted another goddess (any suggestions?), this is her half sister, watching show jumping, in feb, but bigger and 1 1/2 years old now, they are the best natured dogs I love them.
Gorgeous. Bet she doesn't stay that size for long!!
Freya Rhea Venus Vesta (sounds like a ready made curry!!) Hebe Hera Isis. Can you tell I googled goddesses?
If it were me, I would want a goddess name with similar roots - not a Norse or Greek goddess name! I would be tempted by Ceres, who was her sister or Minerva, her sister in law.
Hera goddess of marriage
Athena goddess of wisdom
Freya goddess love, beauty
Isis goddess of life and magic
Rhea titan earth goddess
Vesta goddess of the sacred flame
Gorgeous. Bet she doesn't stay that size for long!!
Freya Rhea Venus Vesta (sounds like a ready made curry!!) Hebe Hera Isis. Can you tell I googled goddesses?
definately athena - she was Zeus' favourite daughter, because one day when Zeus had a terrible headache and got Hephastus (blacksmith) to spilt his head open, and out popped athena, fully grown and covered in armour.
She was the patron goddess of athens, so she is definately the one to choose
And I didnt google btw - I did classical civilisation for GSCE and one module was greek gods
Awww adorable. We had to put our great dane to sleep last October. She was 11 so not a bad age. My mum has now downsized sort of and got two Weimaraners! I think they are far more of a handful than one great dane though! Such big softies.
Hey, you guys are great, she is coming home soon so more piccys will be on the way and I love all the advice on names. I already have a Mini, so we can't use that, we like Hera very much, I have a swiss friend called Luna who will kill me if I use that!!!! But I think we will wait until she arrives and see then, her breeder wants to call her Mona Lisa, but i'm not sure, short is Mona, in spanish, pretty, cute so I guess it works. Tahnks again to you all, hugs, riojas and tapas all round! x