Well-Known Member
Had the saddler out yesterday and we're 95% sure that we need a Thorowgood T4, T8 or K&M on the compact GP tree with a standard wither (code MGC). Must be 17" as his little cob back won't accomodate longer, and my legs won't fit in to shorter. Highly specific! However after spending around £150 on saddler visits I don't have much more than £400 left for an actual saddle. A T8 would be ideal as they are so much nicer than the T4s, and I doubt I'll be able to afford a K&M.
The second hand market is flying at the moment and 17" seats seem to be like hens' teeth - I've tried Saddles Direct, the Adjustable Saddle Company, Sheepham Saddles, The Saddle Bank, eBay, FB Marketplace, a couple of TG FB groups, PreLoved, and I will phone Beaver Horse Shop in Harrogate later this morning.
Can anyone think of other places I might not have tried? Any tack shops that stock second hand but don't have much of an online presence? I will happily phone people all day if it means I can find one within budget! I would be really hugely grateful if people would keep an eye / ear out for me.
The second hand market is flying at the moment and 17" seats seem to be like hens' teeth - I've tried Saddles Direct, the Adjustable Saddle Company, Sheepham Saddles, The Saddle Bank, eBay, FB Marketplace, a couple of TG FB groups, PreLoved, and I will phone Beaver Horse Shop in Harrogate later this morning.
Can anyone think of other places I might not have tried? Any tack shops that stock second hand but don't have much of an online presence? I will happily phone people all day if it means I can find one within budget! I would be really hugely grateful if people would keep an eye / ear out for me.