Looking for info on Surrey equestrain scene.. Want to move here.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2012
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Chobham is a v.horsey area with lots of livery yards and a few riding schools as well, I think there is quite good hacking also onto common land.

Love Farnham! Gorgeous, quaint little town and surrounded by horsey areas a few mins drive south from town centre you have old park area with a riding school and a few liveries and down south you have frensham area with hacking around frensham ponds and a couple of riding schools and liveries.

I would not recommend Guildford. The shopping is okay but the people tend to be very rude e.g people normally don't hold doors open for you, don't wait for you to have got off train before shoving past you to get on etc this is based on my experience of living near Guildford for nearly 20 years I would not live there and it is quite overpriced for what it is.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2013
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Thanks Chokablok, Farnham is nice, but maybe just a bit too far away. Guildford and rudeness...plenty of rude gits where I am now lol!!

We've put the house hunting on hold until after the new year but our budget has increased so we now have much more choice.