Looking for Stables in Darwen, Lancashire


5 September 2020
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Hello Everyone,

I am new to the forum and write hoping for help.

I am shortly due to move to Darwen and so will need to find a livery yard for my 14.0 pony but have no idea where to start.

As a starting point in terms of requirements I am a happy hacker so ideally would like yard to have good hacking (as little road as possible would be great, although pony is good on all roads), good size stable, to be able to use my own bedding/hay, storage for own tack and hay/bedding and have some amount of turnout all year round (weather depending of course) and would ideally be looking for part/full livery due to work commitments.

Any recommendations would be great fully received

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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I'm better at knowing competition yards, but up that way youd not go far wrong with whitehill stud or crow wood. Both have amazing facilities - sole use gallops etc. Bit closer to accrington you've got croft top.
Towards sort of Fence and Padiham theres plenty of yards and the hacking up there generally is good