Well-Known Member
I've always been a little wary of loose rings, I worry about them pinching. However my BD trainer has suggested buying one with the same mouthpiece as my current egbutt as she feels it will lighten my horse & make him more flexible.
He has a tendancy to be very fussy & unsettled in the contact so about 18 months ago I put him in a full cheek Myler mullen mouth (Mylers always seem to keep him happier than other bits, before he was in a low port comfort snaffle that he'd been happy with for a couple of years) in the hope that a more steadyu mouthpiece would be easier to accept. It worked really well, ultimately too well because he's got a little too set in the contact & inclined to lean on it. I've borrowed an egbutt comfort snaffle from a friend & he's a hundred times better (for now!), not fussing, taking a contact but not heavy.
My teacher is fantastic & has given me loads of good advice in the few months I've been using her. However I'm just a little worried about putting him in a loose ring - will it pinch or start making him unsettled in the contact again? I don't want to go back to him being fussy & erratic in the rein, even now the slightest mistake in the contact means he opens his mouth & either runs through the contact or drops it entirely!
Any views would be great
He has a tendancy to be very fussy & unsettled in the contact so about 18 months ago I put him in a full cheek Myler mullen mouth (Mylers always seem to keep him happier than other bits, before he was in a low port comfort snaffle that he'd been happy with for a couple of years) in the hope that a more steadyu mouthpiece would be easier to accept. It worked really well, ultimately too well because he's got a little too set in the contact & inclined to lean on it. I've borrowed an egbutt comfort snaffle from a friend & he's a hundred times better (for now!), not fussing, taking a contact but not heavy.
My teacher is fantastic & has given me loads of good advice in the few months I've been using her. However I'm just a little worried about putting him in a loose ring - will it pinch or start making him unsettled in the contact again? I don't want to go back to him being fussy & erratic in the rein, even now the slightest mistake in the contact means he opens his mouth & either runs through the contact or drops it entirely!
Any views would be great