Loose ring or egbutt?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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I've always been a little wary of loose rings, I worry about them pinching. However my BD trainer has suggested buying one with the same mouthpiece as my current egbutt as she feels it will lighten my horse & make him more flexible.

He has a tendancy to be very fussy & unsettled in the contact so about 18 months ago I put him in a full cheek Myler mullen mouth (Mylers always seem to keep him happier than other bits, before he was in a low port comfort snaffle that he'd been happy with for a couple of years) in the hope that a more steadyu mouthpiece would be easier to accept. It worked really well, ultimately too well because he's got a little too set in the contact & inclined to lean on it. I've borrowed an egbutt comfort snaffle from a friend & he's a hundred times better (for now!), not fussing, taking a contact but not heavy.

My teacher is fantastic & has given me loads of good advice in the few months I've been using her. However I'm just a little worried about putting him in a loose ring - will it pinch or start making him unsettled in the contact again? I don't want to go back to him being fussy & erratic in the rein, even now the slightest mistake in the contact means he opens his mouth & either runs through the contact or drops it entirely!

Any views would be great


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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Unfortunately I have never got on with loose rings with young horses, if they open their mouth etc, they do get a nasty pinch and I use the french link with the fixed rings which works really well. When you see a pinched mouth it is quite nasty and can happen very quickly, no matter how careful you are.

Good luck, use your own judgement.


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
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I personally haven't had a problem with loose rings pinching if they are correctly fitted but each horse is different. i would try him in the loose ring and see how he goes in it, use bit guards if you are that worried about the pinching. If he becomes unsettled just change it to the eggbutt. If he goes well in the loose ring i suggest that you alternate which bit you ride in occasionaly as if he working nicely in both i doubt he will become as fussy. And you can always compete in the bit he workes the best in. my opinion, hope but i you work it out and it goes well for you


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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I must admit my gut feeling is that the loose ring is going to be too mobile & he won't settle in it. The bit he likes most is his pelham used with two reins (very little curb rein contact) which also gives a fairly static feel, while french links make him almost impossible to ride up to a contact. I think too much play makes everything too vague for him to accept & my concern with a loose ring is that there will be more play.

If I feel rich enough to but two new Mylers are bit guards dressage legal? I have the feeling they aren't, but I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2006
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Why don't you just try one? if your only schooling what difference does it make? personally i hate pelhams!! They seem to really freak horses out and they stick there head in - but not because they are working properly.


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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i love them. I use a loose ring losnge fab for schooling/comps. But you need to get correct size and this is where bits can cost. As normal ones come in 4 1/2, 5, 5 1/2 etc.... but half and inch is alot. So i need a 5 1/4 and had to paid £40.00 for mine, but worths it weight in gold. My used to fuss, but when i changed bit there was a defo improvement. Mine is also a nickel mouth peice and then i tighten up nose band (BUT NOT OVER TIGHTEN) and put flash back on but don't over tighten. allowing enough room for them to open mouth a little but not full and not to use against your hand.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
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I use a loose ring for schooling, but one of mine is in a 6 1/4", because he has delicate lips so need the extra length

Worth pointing out you cannot use bit guards in dressage comps.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2005
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Thanks for all the replies

I may get in touch with a bit bank & hire one to try but I think I'll give his current bit a little more time first. I spoke to an old instructor today & she - correctly - said if I try it & he doesn't like it he'll probably be mouthy for weeks after
. She also put me off by saying make sure to try it when someone's about because if it pinches or is uncomfortable he may well revert to his old bolt & buck routine