Lorry Lending... sore subject - What are your views?


Well-Known Member
25 March 2009
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I'd been hacking to a local jumping league a few years ago, that we were quite happy to do as it's only 4 miles there and back and the horses coped fine. We met a lady there who very kindly said to us we could borrow her trailer any time we needed it as she had just got a box for her and her daughter but wanted to keep a hold of the trailer too.

I was SO unbelievably grateful to her it was such a kind gesture and we took up her offer a few times and I made sure that it was always returned immaculately cleaned and containing wine and chocolates instead of poo.

Kindness like this is hugely appreciated by many people, but because of a few bad experiences of people taking the proverbial then sadly it seems there are fewer people willing to lend their trailers but it's understandable really.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I try to give people lifts when I can, it's surprising though how many people don't even offer to clear their horse's muck out, or offer help with fuel. Most people are very good.

I have left the keys in an accessible place for a friend whose pony was very ill so that no matter what time of day or night they could come and get it to take her to the vet if necessary. Sadly it wasn't needed until the time came to say goodbye to her. There are very few people I would let drive away in it, just as there are very few people I would let take my horses away from the yard.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2008
Isle of Wight
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I am a lorry sharer, 50/50 split with a very, very good friend. We've shared horses, cars and loads of things over many,many years and it works very well for us.
Certain people do borrow it every now and again, it's only a 3.5t so it's almost impossible to give somebody a lift if one of ours is in there. We did lend it once to somebody on the yard who couldn't get transport to a particular show. Both of us were busy and,as it's insured for anybody over 25,left them to get on with it (after taking £20 to put in the fuel tank before they borrowed!). However,not only did she take her own horse, she picked up a friend's maxi cob on the way. Then, left cob at show and went off to pick up somebody else! Needless to say, we learned a lesson, I dread to think how much it would have cost to get the truck back if it had been impounded. She did leave it far cleaner than it was when she borrowed it and we only found out as she said the brakes weren't very responsive. The amount it would have been overweight, I'm surprised she managed to stop at all!


Well-Known Member
25 March 2008
East Sussex
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Because I have been lucky enough to have been lent lorries/trailers if I am ever fortunate enough to have my own transport again I would be prepared to lend it to select people. When I had my lorry I quite often lent it to friends and don't remember having any problems.

I always feel that lorries need using so I was quite pleased to see her out and about and being useful!

I wouldn't dream of not returning the lorry or trailer cleaned out though and put diesel in or leave money for diesel.

Last time I was lent a lorry to collect a friends horse we had to go quite along way round M25. All went well and horse and lorry returned home safely. Several days later lorry was checked over by owner's mechanic and condemned as floor was unsafe and went to scrap yard!!


Well-Known Member
12 April 2011
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I borrowed a lorry a number of times to take my mare to stud and always filled the petrol to more than I was given in it to start with. I always make sure its cleaned out and get a bottle or flowers as a thanks. It works out cheaper and more convienient than hire.
Since then I've lent my new box for a winter season to someone who only used it once. It came back with no probs and I got petrol to drive it 80miles to them. Kept it ticking over the winter. I probably would of apprechiated a thank you but at least it came back fine.... Prob wouldn't do that again as it took lots of my time dropping it off and picking it up and sorting insurance. I would give friends lifts tho if they paid for petrol.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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I've just remebered an incident that left me quite shocked though!

A fellow livery/friend wanted to take 2 horses to an away outing but only had transport for 1. I was going anyway with a big double trailer so took her second horse.

It was a good 1.5-2h away. I took her horse, unloaded and stabled it then cleaned out the trailer myself. Did exactly the same on the way home.

I didn't get an offer of help, didn't get an offer of diesel money, didn't get so much as a verbal thank-you, let alone a box of choccies/bottle of wine.

This is from a normally very polite considerate nice friendly person. I was so shocked I never said anything to them! I wouldn't have taken any diesel money but the offer and a thank you would have sufficed! She won't be getting a lift from me in future!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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I have been lent a lorry by a very good friend when mine was broken down and I needed to go to the vet, I would lend that friend my truck if the tables were turned.

I wouldn't let anyone else take the truck out though, it's just not worth it, it's big and easily scraped into stuff. It probably doesn't help im a driving instructor so some people's driving puts me off!!! If the truck was sitting idle most of the time then I might think about it a bit more but I'm out in mine 3-4 sometimes 5 times a week anyway.

I will always take other people with me if they want to go, have sometimes been talked into going to places that I'm not really fussed about and will always drop anything im doing if a horse is unwell and needs to go to the vet.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2011
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I am utterly aghast at some of the things some rude and ungrateful people have done to the 'lending' posters on here! Especially not cleaning the trailer/lorry out and saying no diesel cos'you were going anyway'. Unbelievable! Some people.... :-( I'm v lucky to get to borrow a friend's lorry sometimes and would rather die than not pay for diesel/any repairs necess/clean it out-she tells me to shut up,as I go on&on with my eternal gratitude!

The Fuzzy Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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Am 1 of those who is 'never a borrower nor a lender be' people these days :eek:

Have lent out my box in the past to only 1 close friend who had transport issues after an owner moved & took her lorry with her leaving said friend with no transport for a month & 3 events to do, have also taken others horses/ponies to vets in emergency only, but never lent the box out otherwise. Mind you, then the one I had was over 7.5t & 38ft long so most wouldn't have had the licence for it :D
Obviously took show liveries as I was producing them, but even then it was a minefield.

Don't currently have transport - but know I can call on 1 of 3 very local transporters if I need to & know that in very extreme emergency that my vets have a horse ambulance.
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