lost horse on loan


8 April 2009
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I let a horse out on loan several years ago to a lovely lady in Wales, only because of genuine family commitments. I have searched and searched for years to try and find this lady and my beloved horse. Her address and phone number has been lost in moving!!! The horses name is Ben and he would be in his 20's now, he is approx 15hh, a British Riding Pony and he is a Chestnut with a snip.I used to live in Talgarreg in Wales and he went somewhere fairly local. I really need to find him!
Can anyone help or does he sound like a horse they know?


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23 November 2004
Northern Ireland
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I am probably going to appear mean and horrible, but if you loaned horse years and years ago, how come you have lost touch. I loaned my daughters pony to several people when she outgrew him, but, he was checked upon, every week, becouse we owed him not he owed us. When he was too old to compete he came back to live out his remaining years with us.... he was put down aged 32 after an attack of colic, although my husband wanted to send him to a veterinary hospital attached to Dublin University...our vet talked him out of it...as journey (100 miles) would have been just too much.
My own horse the best hunter in the world lived out his retirement with me, and again was put down aged 32. I could not afford to keep more horses, so decided that they came first. No riding for me but a rich and very very deserved life for them. If you love your horse or pony, do the right thing, if you cannot afford, like me, to keep more than one or two, either put them down at home, and move on, or keep the old timers and love seeing them happy until the right time comes.


8 April 2009
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My Daughter and Grandson were very ill at the time and both nearly died. It had nothing to do with money!! I had let a few horses out on loan at the time because it was the only thing to do as we lived at the hospital!! I know and still see the others who are happy in there homes and would rather them stay there than sell them on and risk them having a bad life. One of my other horses lived with me from a youngster and wa put down aged 32 at home and was buried at home!! Ben went to a lady who was brilliant, and although I vetted the home, I cannot for the life of me remember where it was!! Sounds daft, irresponsible etc. but it happened! Her address, phone number has been lost. My packing to move was not done by me, at a very trumatic time in my life. Please do not judge me, you were not there at the time. I love my horses, which is why I have posted this. If you new me you would know I adore my horses, and new I was doing the right thing at the time!! My horses are my life!!


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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I am very sorry to hear of your anguish and circumstances Krystal and your search to re-find your horse.

Have you tried putting his details on tracing equines? Also the intelligent horsemanship website forum has a 'looking for' section - perhaps you could put his details on there? There is a rescue centre in Wales I believe called Trallwyn Farm (sp?) - Perhaps you could try contacting them in case they could suggest anything in your search?

I felt compelled to post my thoughts about what I consider a very strange reaction from marble and the next poster. I certainly do not agree with marble and do not think it is what 'everyone is probably thinking' - to the contrary in fact.

People seem so ready to jump to ill-thought out conclusions, and Krystal made it initially clear that family circumstances were difficult at the time and also that it was only 'several years ago' not years ago and her horse was not that old then. Your horse certainly wasn't at an age when perhaps 'doing the kindest thing' was exactly an option. Of course the message is that great consideration should be given to 'older horses' being put on loan to unknowns, but we all have to make decisions based on circumstances (including financial) at the time.

What's that saying - 'until you have walked in someone else's shoes...'?

I wish you well in your search Krystal, please keep going and don't let unsympathic people, who only seem to be able to comprehend straight forward situations, deter you.


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29 December 2003
Bristol, UK
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I agree with Debsam...this was neither the time nor the place to make such comments...a thread in another area of the forum would have surficed if you had any queries or even a PM.

Good luck in finding your horse Krystal.


Well-Known Member
11 September 2008
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Krystal I'mm really sorry to hear that you went through such a tough time. Sometimes you have no choice when things are going wrong.

If it were me I would try and revisit the area he went to. Perhaps something would jog your memory. Horsey people in that area may well be able to help you....................some people off this board were wonderful to me when I found out someone was trying to sell a small pony I sent out on loan. Luckily one of them had their yard very close the the culprit!

Anyway, I assume he wasn't chipped and would it have been before passports?

Can you get a photo of Ben posted on here - it may make all the difference as there are hundreds of people on here, all over the country..........and the world in some cases.

Don't be dis heartened by some of the comments as I'm sure they didn't post to offend, they just come from a different angle.

I really hope you find Ben, good luck.


Active Member
16 November 2006
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Hi Krystal

I'm so sorry about what has happened. I really feel for you! If you would like my help, I'll happily help you...just pm me



Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Hello Krystal

Would just like to add, just a thought, but would putting an advert in the local paper of the area where your horse went to in Wales be an idea? You could mention all the details that you remember and that you are looking to contact the lady and find your horse etc as you have lost the contact details. You never know, the lady may even see the advert and contact you. Or someone may contact you who thinks they could help you. (There is a section used for this type of search of people and animals in our local paper).

Or a very good idea from Pink_Pencil perhaps to re-visit the area he went to and ask around/or any horsey people around there to see if you can find the actual place.

Good luck, please pm me also if you think I can be of any further help.


8 April 2009
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Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement! I will try all you have suggested and keep you posted. Fingers crossed for me!


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26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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Krystal please think about contacting one of the BHS Wales Development Officers they may well know a committee member in that area who would make enquiries for you if you are unable to visit yourself--if you have a postcode for the area that makes a search easier

They are Wendy Davies w.davies@bhs.org.uk
and Jan Roche j.roche@bhs.org.uk

Good luck


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
West Mids
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I placed an advert in Your Horse many years ago trying to find the previous owner of my Belgian WB and it was very sucessful and the previous owners groom actually came to visit him and rode him. She has been very fond of him and wondered what had happened to him. My point is that although you are looking for a horse (not a human) this was a very effective solution. At the time 1996 it was free to advertise in this way, I should think they would charge now, but it might be agood idea to ring Your Horse and ask them. Maybe you could try on websites also. Did Ben ever compete BSJA and was the lady he went to dark haired and called Sue by any chance? Please PM if I am correct.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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I am probably going to appear mean and horrible, but if you loaned horse years and years ago, how come you have lost touch. I loaned my daughters pony to several people when she outgrew him, but, he was checked upon, every week, becouse we owed him not he owed us. When he was too old to compete he came back to live out his remaining years with us.... he was put down aged 32 after an attack of colic, although my husband wanted to send him to a veterinary hospital attached to Dublin University...our vet talked him out of it...as journey (100 miles) would have been just too much.
My own horse the best hunter in the world lived out his retirement with me, and again was put down aged 32. I could not afford to keep more horses, so decided that they came first. No riding for me but a rich and very very deserved life for them. If you love your horse or pony, do the right thing, if you cannot afford, like me, to keep more than one or two, either put them down at home, and move on, or keep the old timers and love seeing them happy until the right time comes.

[/ QUOTE ]

A think you are bit harsh and personally I wouldn't put a healthy pony or horse down just because I could no longer afford to keep him/her myself


8 April 2009
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Thanks Tessiel_ I am hoping to be moving to Exmoor later this year and will be in touch with you and help all I can with your cause. I have rescued a few poor horses in my time.


8 April 2009
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I also would never put any animal down unless the vet insists through illness, definately not for my own benefit!! If you cant afford an animal then a good new home is preferable to death surely!!


Well-Known Member
29 April 2008
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Unfortunately lots of healthy horses are PTS because their owners can no longer keep them for one reason or another but I happen to think that that is better than them ending up on some scrap heap somewhere in a worse position.

Read the article in this months 'Your Horse' and you will see just how common the problem is at the moment.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2004
Northern Ireland
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I do not view forum everyday, but, first of all both my horse and my pony were put to sleep after first Pepe the pony had the last and most serious bout of colic, and secondly Mouse at 32 and having retired from hunting at 22, became so lame he could barely walk across the yard to his field, both animals were treated from the time they retired to the time they were put to sleep by my vet and then buried at home, as if they were to quote "still working" ie rugged, clipped (if necessary) out during the day and in at night. They were not healthy animals that I put down on a whim, but dearly loved friends, who I wish were still alive. I am sorry you had a traumatic time, and so Ben had to go, but still maintain, a horse or pony who you either cannot afford to keep, or who is to old to ride, or to unhealthy, deserves the best....If you loan a healthy animal, then a phone call a week, would help....if it is an unhealthy or old horse or pony.....do you not think a safer option would be to see him or her put to sleep with the people who love them, keeping guard. Sorry if I have offended anyone, but I do speak from personal experience....


8 April 2009
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Ben was fit and healthy and full of life when he went on loan.There was no way I'd have put him down or sold him, he wouldn't have gone in the first place if it were not for my curcumstances! I have a couple of others on permanent loan, and am in constant contact with the people! But I have lost Ben which is why I'm on here in the first place!! If a horse is ill and in pain then obviously they must be PTS no question about it! I said a healthy horse should if possible be found an alternate home, preferably on loan until your curcumstances change.I personally don't like to sell my horses because you then have no say in there future and they could end up badly treated, as two of mine did!! I did right by Ben, its through curcumstances beyond my control that I lost contact with him.I am doing all I can to find him.


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30 July 2008
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Krystal, I can't imagine what you are going through. I really hope Ben is safe and you find him. I feel some of the comments made have been judgmental.

For whatever reason, Ben was put out on loan. Theres no point asking why Krystal didn't have him PTS or whatever, beacuse it was however many years ago! That isn't important anymore.

I wish you the best of luck finding your pony.


8 April 2009
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Thank you, I have just read the article in Your Horse about the slaughtering of healthy horses and it's really made me feel sick. I pray Ben is alright!!


Well-Known Member
16 October 2008
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I'm sure he will be fine and where he always has been! I have loaned a pony out for several years - i could sell her but she gave me so much that i'm loaning her so i know she can get the retirement she deserves (with me). I do not breathe down the loanees neck and just let them get on with it as i want them to treat the pony like their own and not a borrowed object.

How about contacting the riding club secretary in the area you loaned Ben out to? they may know him (or one of the committee might), they could send an email round their members that may be his loaner or a friend and they could also provide you with the local liveries/farms that may not be so easy to find on the internet.

Just click an area of this map and it will give you the local RC

Good luck and i hope you find him safe and well


8 April 2009
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Thank you, my sentiments exactly! I am in touch with a few organisations,and one lady has contacts in the Talgarreg area, she is being such a big help! I also will definately get in touch with with the bhs. I have found a pic of him, a bit blurry but you can still see his markings etc. Does anyone know how I post a pic on here?


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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We are big into loaning (usually 'in' I have to say) and if you get the right owner, horse and borrower it can be a marvellous solution. Yes, there are unsuitable matches and then the horse simply returns to what normally is a caring home. Sadly, some are targetted by unscrupulous types
who nobody would suspect did not have everyone's best interest at heart

I'm sorry you have lost touch - maybe they have lost your details too? I sold a pony once (the only one I sold) and the new home sold him on
I agonised and searched for well over twelve months and eventually found him in a beautiful and forever home

Good luck finding him and do let us all know, won't you?


Well-Known Member
3 August 2008
i know its a long shot but, what about sending a letter to the local vets in the area with a copy of a photo of him explaining whats happened, surely one of them has given him yearly jabs????