lovely day at the yard. need to share as it made my day!


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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just got back from the yard and needed to tell you about it! you may not be interested but im in such a good mood now.

went up the yard about 2 hours ago to help mum do her horse. hes in during the day for a week because his neck is solid and mums not taking any chances with laminitus. so we mucked out together and so on. we went over the field to poo pick with me riding mums horse bareback with a bridle and just plodded along around with her and the wheel barrow chatting. then one of the other livery's twins came up and played with us for abit, running around rupert (the horse) and squeeling and rupert just enjoyed the company as an old horse would. it was lovely and sunny and it was such a happy moment!

i then said to mum im going to take him in the lung pen and have a play with him so i jumped of him and let him loose in the lunge pen and he was such a funny boy! i let him go and he had his run and buck and he looked so happy he had me in stitches! now hes not the most agile creature. he got cr*p conformation. his necks WAY to big, his legs are too thin and short for his body so he finds it hard to do anything more then hack around the village. i supose he was a runt but hes such a kind and calm person we dont care what he looks like. he tought me to ride and hes given us so much fun. hes got a home for life bless him.

any how. i decided to run around and he thought it fun to chase me. in this time, mum and the twins were watching and laughing (twins screeching happily!) and rupert was having a sudden lease of life! jumping off all fours and having real fun!! super proud of him
hes a one in a million.

anyways i needed to share. hes such a lovely boy and maybe not the best looking horse ever but a real charictor and is so kind!!



Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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oh hun that is lovely and thank you for telling us about it. It is lovely to hear that you have such a nice horse and you don't care he isn't perfect. None of us are perfect and our horses don't care so why should we
I hope you will always find such pleasure in your horses


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
He clearly has a lovely home and knows it!! Glad you enjoyed your evening, I love this kind of fun with the horses. He'll probably be boring the tails off the other horses telling them this story all night!