

19 June 2020
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How do you stop a horse falling in on the lunge? He couldn't care less about the lunge whip or me shouting "out" at him ?

Also, how much space is there between walk poles?


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Start with a dressage whip and ask the horse to walk around you on a small circle. Take a gentle feel on the lunge line and ask the nose to come in very slightly, then point the whip towards the shoulder and gently flick the whip up and down while pointing about half way down the shoulder. Try at first not to contact the whip onto the shoulder but if your horse doesnt move the shoulder away then you can touch with the whip. As he steps away then you let out a little bit of line. When he falls in then repeat the exercise.

Once you can get him to step away by just pointing the whip at his shoulder you can try it from further away. Then you can try the same with the lunge whip, leave the thong wrapped around the whip but do the same as you did with the dressage whip, feel on the line, point the whip with or without touching (depends on horse)

Ace it in walk before trying trot and confirm it in trot before you try in canter. For trot and canter you need to be well advanced at the lunge whip stage