Magnetic Therapy


Well-Known Member
19 January 2014
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Looking for some thoughts and reviews please. My Irish Setter is almost 12 years, I got him aged 4 years

It has been obvious for two years that he has arthritis in his hips, which has got worse over the last 12 months,

I have tried various medications, which either did not help (even POM) or had side effects.

I have been considering trying magnetic therapy, but am sceptical as to efficacy. Has anybody tried it, and was it helpel? I don't expect cure.

Are there specific magnets, recommended collar makes, etc? Anything to help me find a good one if they work.
All thoughts / recommendations gratefully received.

Please excuse typos, lost half my vision last week, struggling to read/write


Well-Known Member
9 March 2007
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my dog has a streamz collar, i got it because he was a little stiff after laying down/getting off sofa.
he wears it 24/7 and has never had the issue since.

would not believe it if not seen it...cant be sure if he hurt something and it mended its self or what but there you go !


Well-Known Member
3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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My ten and a half year old flatcoat has started to shorten her stride and look slightly lame on her left front leg. She has been on Yumove for sometime. I am reluctant to start her on medication from the vet so have been researching alternatives.
My daughter had a bio flow collar on her dog some years ago, we didn’t think it did anything much and I tried a bioflow bracelet which did nothing.
The latest technology is the dogstreamz which is worth reading about. I am considering this but it is expensive and the collars are quite large. There have been some good results from it though, if it can be believed. On their website, it explains what magnates do and also what copper does.