making *THAT* call


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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My only suggestion would be to NOT make an appointment so far in advance, you will think of nothing else for the whole time "this time in 2 weeks, this time in 1 week, this time in 2 days" etc etc, I couldn't cope with that. You've made the decision so pick a date a couple of days, or even one day in advance and make the call then. It's hard, whichever way.

Both my friends say the waiting about and waiting for The Day to come was very difficult. So yes ^^


Well-Known Member
3 August 2012
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I hope when the time comes i will be strong. I hate being a mess in front of the vets!

Please don't worry about being a mess in front of the vets, they expect it and think nothing less of you for it. I have been at a couple of pts and often saw the vet wipe a tear away.

I second this.

On the day, you will feel and cope in whatever way you feel and cope. Your vet will understand and empathise with you however you are and you cannot embarrass yourself in such a situation. xxx


Well-Known Member
8 April 2010
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I had to plan for one, and lost one in an emergency, and I have to agree that the planned one was torture waiting for the days to pass .... I really really feel for you, but if you can then do it in the shortest time possible (i mean from making the call till it happening) x


Well-Known Member
10 May 2011
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My previous horse had sarcoids and the vet who'd treated him for the best part of two years had said there was no more we could do, so suggested I wait until the spring grass had come and pts with the sun on his back - this was in early March. About 2 weeks later the horse had been larking about in the field and ruptured an artery (the root of the sarcoid had grown into it) so he had to be PTS as an emergency. I was in tears, my husband was in tears, and the vet was also in tears - it wasn't how we'd wanted it to happen, but it's the way it was. The very lovely lorry driver who'd unfortunately come a bit early to take him away was kind enough to go and drive round the block a few times until the deed was done. People's kindness when you are in a position like this is endless, don't worry about being upset....


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Many years ago, the vet told us that our old lady (Clydesdale) should not be put through another winter. It was about 3 weeks before October 1/2 term and 2 of the family were teachers, so we booked it for the last day of the 1/2 term holiday.
It seemed sensible to do the same for the next elderly mare who would not get through another winter, we had talked about doing 'the deed' at the end of August but there was a hitch (nothing to do with the horse) and so it was postponed. As it happened, it had been a very wet summer but September and October were the nicest months of that year, so she had 8 weeks of sun on her back, living out 24/7 with her friends, who she had lived with for years. The day after she died the weather turned and others had to come in over night.
Personally, I prefer to make the decision, book a date and then enjoy the horse until it is time but if that doesn't work for you, do it your way. So long as it is done in a timely manner, before the horse's quality of life is compromised, that will be fine. If you are booking the vet, remember to book the transport to remove the body as well. We usually just book the Equine Crem and so everything is taken care of at once.