Master Saddler in Sheffield


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
Visit site
I've been back in Sheffield since 10 November. One night, having a bit of a wander around my old stomping ground, I noticed a saddler's shop on Middlewood Road, a little bit further on than the bowling greens in Hillsborough Park, so I made a point of going back a few days later, in the daytime, with the idea of buying a bit of clothing for me to keep at my mother's house for when I'm over in the future.

I ended up spending a very pleasant couple of hours talking with the lady who runs the business: Hilary Lambe, Master Saddler with the Society of Master Saddlers.

She has some second-hand stuff in (in a pair of boots, but they're far too small for me; some tack, stirrups and hunt whips),as well as an assortment of items of her own make (head collars, braided thongs for hunt whips, cases for hunt horns and flasks, dog collars and leashes) and some that her husband has made (throw-over bags, tool rolls, cases for a set of crown green woods and jack).

Thoroughly nice woman, and will make things to order.

ETA: I forgot to add that she is on the look-out for sidesaddles.